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Preparing for Water Resource Degradation: Measures Revealed by Aveyron Prefect before Summer

During a press briefing, Charles Giusti, prefect of Aveyron reveals certain measures before the summer period degrades water resources.

Prepare for the worst. This is in a way what the prefecture of Aveyron is doing, via its representative Charles Giusti, during a press briefing organized this Thursday, June 29. Because the summer of 2022 and its particular climatic conditions have left their mark. This critical period, when the mercury has not stopped climbing and during which the rain has not fallen, means that today, the State services are doubling their vigilance before the summer.

So this year again, the issue of water will be paramount. However, before entering the critical months of July and August, morale remains high. “May and June were rainy and stormy, which makes the situation better than expected, while the recharging period from November to March was less good than average”, recalls the prefect.

Today, here are the territories concerned by vigilance or alerts. Repro CP

But for all that, nothing to relax, especially since the forecasts made by Météo France predict a hot summer. “There is a 50% chance that temperatures will be above the average of the last 30 years,” he explains. As usual, a whole bunch of levers can be triggered by the State, Charles Giusti details this process. “We have precise and regular readings on the level of the rivers, their flow or the state of the sources and on these points, thresholds are defined. It is once they are crossed that we imagine vigilance or alert measures. This, in consultation with the actors concerned, whether they are farmers, fishermen, specialists or community representatives.

Prevent before cure

As a result, a first decree was presented this Thursday, June 29, it will come into force on Saturday, July 1. But for the moment, nothing really impacting for the Aveyronnais. “No restriction on drinking water”, insists Charles Giusti. On the other hand, a few points should be noted for samples taken from the environment. The upstream part of the Dourdou de Camarès is on heightened alert, just as the Orb and the downstream of the Dourdou de Camarès are on alert.

This is due to regional disparities. “The extreme south of the department has a rainfall deficit of 50% compared to the rest of Aveyron. The situation there is similar to that of Hérault, which is more critical”, adds the prefect.

A scheme that must be optimized this summer. Carladez having experienced water supply difficulties last year, and South Aveyron having been plagued by flames, which does not bode well for the future. Also, the prefecture must ensure that actions are “coordinated” with neighboring departments. This will avoid certain incongruous situations, where for example kayaking was authorized on the Tarn in Lozère, not a few meters downstream, in Aveyron.

A situation that is likely to evolve, hoping all the same that the water continues to fall, the decrees not being able to prevent the level of the rivers from lowering.

“You have to be responsible”

Like the discourse on energy sobriety, the prefect is now calling for citizens to regulate their use of water. “Everyone is concerned to preserve this resource, you have to be responsible, regardless of the situation.” Thus, in addition to the checks carried out by the OFB to ensure that the measures are respected by individuals, companies or farmers, the State wishes to communicate on the right actions to adopt. In this sense, an informative section has been set up on the site of the prefecture of Aveyron. It will make it possible to know in real time, according to its territory, the level of alert and the restrictive measures put in place. A device that Charles Giusti describes as “unpublished and essential”.

2023-06-30 05:06:24
#Aveyron #prefect #warns #risk #drought #part #department #situation #close #Hérault

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