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“Prepared and ready for any threat”: record alertness in the Air Force against the backdrop of tensions with Iran

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Drones made in Iran in a military display. A host of possible scenarios, photo: AFP

In a laconic and very unusual announcement last night, the IDF spokesman announced the “concentration and mobilization of reserve personnel for the air defense system”, among other things to signal to the Iranians that Israel is aware of their plans and is preparing accordingly. The fear in Israel stems, among other things, from the threats of a response from Iran, as well as from what appears to be Iranian determination to respond On the assassination of Zahedi – a determination not seen in Iran after previous assassinations attributed to Israel.

Yesterday it was reported that in the talks between Israeli security officials and their American counterparts, the US intelligence officials expressed concern about the intelligence situation as they understand it, and warned their colleagues in Israel regarding Iran’s intentions in the foreseeable future. In this context, we remind you that tomorrow will be the Iranian “Jerusalem Day” , which always coincides with the last Friday of Ramadan, during which Israel is expected to be on high alert in all sectors anyway. It was also reported yesterday that Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to speak with US President Biden tomorrow.

Biden at St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. will talk with Netanyahu about the consequences of the assassination of the senior Iranian official, photo: AP

In the meantime, on the Israel Hayom website, we published yesterday that the Navy will hold a preparation discussion today for what is known as the “Marmara flotilla 2”, in which about a thousand activists will try to reach Gaza’s shores by ship from Turkey to provide food to the residents.

“against distant enemies”

The IDF’s announcement about increasing the air defense system was intended to deter the Iranians and make it clear to them that their intentions are known, in an attempt to deter them from carrying out their plan. Defense Minister Yoav Galant already hinted at this yesterday when he said during an exercise to examine the readiness of the home front for war in the Haifa district: “We need to be Prepared and ready for any scenario and any threat, against close enemies and against distant enemies. We will know how to protect the citizens of Israel and how to attack our enemies.”

Israel does not rule out the possibility that Iran will try to respond by firing at Israel from several directions at the same time, through its proxies throughout the Middle East, and may even decide to fire at Israel from its territory, a fact that will change the face of the campaign.

Edited and ready. The missile and air defense system leads. Iron Dome system (illustration), photo: Gideon Markowitz

Iran’s proxies have already launched rockets, missiles, cruise missiles, and UAVs at Israel from Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and of course Gaza. However, it is possible that this time Iran will try to surprise Israel from several places at the same time, and for the first time, as mentioned, the possibility that Iran will try shoot at Israel from its territory. Also in this case, let’s remember that Iran has an arsenal of options – from heavy and long-range missiles, through unmanned aerial vehicles to cruise missiles.

Another possibility that is being taken into account is widespread shooting from the direction of Lebanon as well, although it is not at all certain that this will be the option that the regime in Tehran will choose.

Another thing that has not been ruled out is of course an attempt to attack Israeli and Jewish targets around the world. Yesterday, the National Cyber ​​System also warned against an increase in terrorist attacks by Iran ahead of the Iranian Jerusalem Day.

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