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prepare for a 10% increase in prices in 2024…

Policyholders will have to tighten their belts in 2024. According to UFC que Choisir, a major consumer protection association, mutual insurance rates are expected to increase by 10% this year. Inflation which risks weighing heavily on household budgets.

Repeated price increases in recent years for mutual insurance companies

This is not the first time that complementary health insurance companies have increased their prices. According to French mutuality, contributions have already jumped in 2023 and it could well be worse in 2024.

Some policyholders, whose mutual insurance increased by 50% between 2023 and 2024, going from 69.7 to 105 euros per month, were also shocked to discover the amount of their new bill for 2024.

Household budgets already under pressure

This increase can represent up to 10% of the income of certain low-income people. Seniors are also among the most impacted by these repeated increases.

With 10% of their income absorbed each month by their complementary health insurance, some see their budget undermined by these constrained expenses, in addition to inflation.

The sector in the crosshairs

L’association UFC-Que Choisir estimates that the real increase will even be more like 10% in 2024, and not 8.1% as announced by the French Mutuality. She denounces highly variable management fees from one mutual to another, which can go up to 28% of contributions in certain cases.

Average costs remain very high at 20%, reflecting, according to Que Choisir, a lack of rationalization and economies of scale, despite the concentration of the sector in recent years.

My name is Ethan, I’m 30 years old, and I’m the founder of this magazine. After studying journalism, I quickly decided to go freelance to be able to write as I wanted and talk about my true passions. I aim to create an information hub where French and international news is treated seriously and with insight. My goal is to enlighten my readers’ daily lives and encourage a deeper understanding of current issues.

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