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Preparations for the Sacco di Roma are in full swing


Preparations for the Sacco di Roma are in full swing

Nidwalden is the guest canton at the swearing-in ceremony of the Swiss Guard. A project group is preparing the visit to Rome and numerous events in Nidwalden.

Traditionally, the swearing-in of the new guardsmen takes place on May 6th. The date recalls May 6, 1527. During the so-called Sacco di Roma (pillage of Rome), the city was besieged by 24,000 German mercenaries and Spanish mercenaries. Two thirds of the papal guards were killed in the decisive battle next to St. Peter’s Basilica, which was under construction. 42 guardsmen, on the other hand, helped the Pope to escape to Castel Sant’Angelo and thus saved his life. So the story is on the corresponding page of the canton of Nidwalden.

Swearing-in of a Swiss Guard.

Archive picture: Gabriele Putzu / TI-Press / Keystone

After the district administrator had given the green light for a loan for the visit to Rome in February of this year, a project group was able to get to work. It is headed by Landammann Karin Kayser, and government councilor Michèle Blöchliger also has a seat. This project work gives me great pleasure, says Karin Kayser. The group exchanges information about the various areas on a regular basis. “It’s fun to see how everyone in the group is very motivated and has a positive drive.” There is also good contact with the Swiss Guard for the preparation of the event. “The guard commander is happy that a guest canton is doing so much,” says Karin Kayser.

Nidwalden cuisine and culture in Rome

In terms of cuisine and culture in particular, Nidwalden wants to offer a lot. So they want to be present in Rome with special Nidwalden dishes. The feedback from the subgroups of the project group is also nice. “People can contribute their ideas, it is not just said, we do it this way and that,” says the government councilor. That brings a great deal of dynamism into the process.

“We could probably do countless masses with musical performances,” says Karin Kayser in view of the many Nidwalden music groups who want to travel to Rome. Wind music, small information or even yodelling want to contribute something to the success. “Our goal is to help as many formations as possible to perform in Rome.” A special solution has been found for the many choirs. All choirs would practice the same pieces. A few members per choir can then travel to Rome and form a Nidwalden choir there, which performs the corresponding songs.

For the official delegation from Nidwalden, the program has been set, says Karin Kayser. “Much of it is dictated by the protocol.” One group is in the process of developing various offers, such as a guided tour to Castel Gandolfo, the Pope’s summer residence, guided tours through the gardens or museums and concerts. These offers are also intended to benefit those Nidwalden residents who would like to travel to Rome on their own account. Around 200 people have so far registered for a trip. “We reckon with around 400 people who will then travel to Rome,” says Ms. Landammann. The canton would have around 300 places available for the actual swearing-in ceremony. If there are more interested parties than places, they will be raffled off.

Uncertainties about the pandemic

She also attributes the fact that the registrations are not yet that numerous to the uncertainties about Corona. The canton’s project group also has the pandemic in mind. “We plan as if there weren’t too many restrictions,” says Karin Kayser. But you also have to prepare yourself in the event that not everything you want to get up and running is feasible. It will probably not be clear until the end of January whether the guard will be able to hold the swearing-in ceremony in the desired form. “We hope firmly and are confident that the situation will be better again by May than it is now,” says Karin Kayser. “Should the plans fail, we’d definitely like to do something in Nidwalden.” Of course, also under the condition that the then corona rules also allowed this.

Numerous events in Nidwalden

Various events have already taken place in the run-up to the Sacco di Roma. Various events are also planned for the coming year. In addition to various concerts, among others:

January 14th: Historic Capuchin Sermon (1956) by Father Burkhard Mathis von Wolfenschiessen (1895–1980), Capuchin Church in Stans, 7 p.m.

February / March 2022: Exhibition Sacco di Roma / Swiss Guard, Stans State Park

1st May: Vespers with travel blessings, Stans parish church

May 6: Sacco di Roma; Occasion in the Vatican and popular aperitif on the village square of Stans

More information at www.nw.ch/saccodiroma

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