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Preparation of the Annual Report on the ECOWAS Regional Economic Outlook: the experts agree on the technical modalities and the timetable for implementation | www.l-integration.com – INTEGRATION


ph:dr: experts agree on technical modalities and implementation timeline on Regional Economic Outlook

The experts specialized in Economics of the member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Directorate of Research and Statistics of the ECOWAS Commission, ended this Friday, May 26, 2023 , in Lomé, Togo, the work of the regional workshop on the drafting of country notes and chapter three (3) of the ECOWAS Regional Economic Outlook.

During five days, the experts presented the country notes of the fifteen Member States with an overview of the state of the economy of the different countries, the socio-economic dimensions, including populations, cultures, unemployment rates etc. They also noted the relevant information relating to the macroeconomic performance of the countries including an analysis of the inflation rate, real GDP growth, the orientation of fiscal policy, including the budget deficit, the convergence criteria, the state of peace, security and stability of countries.

At the end of their work, the experts agreed on the main points and indicators to be established in relation to the country notes and adopted the timetable for the preparation of the Annual Report on the ECOWAS regional economic outlook.

In his closing speech, the Professor Felix Fofana N’ZUE, Senior Program Officer Research, Knowledge Management and Economic Policy Analysis recalled the main objective of the meeting which is to produce high quality economic analysis on pressing economic issues affecting the region as well as country-by-country analysis member on the topic: ” Peace, Security, Stability and Economic Performance in the ECOWAS region: How to make ECOWAS vision 2050 a reality despite security challenges? »

« After five days of intensive work, we paved the way for the production of the ECOWAS Regional Economic Outlook… We agreed on the minimum content, be it chapter three (3) or the country notes as well as the deadlines to respect. said Prof. N’ZUE. He thanked the experts for the quality of their presentations and urged them to comply with the guidelines for the preparation of the various reports and to devote sufficient time to the production of quality documents because it is this quality which will determine the continuation of this activity in accordance with the guidelines of the 32th Ordinary meeting of the ECOWAS Administration and Finance Committee (CAF).

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