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Prepa en Línea-SEP: A Solution for High School Education Online

Do you want to do high school online? Currently there are many options for you to continue preparing at a distance and Prepa en Línea-SEP is now available. Either lack of time or resourcesthousands of people have problems to be able to go to the classrooms and attend their high school normally.

For this reason, the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) opened its online high school for support to all Mexicans who want to continue their studies.

no matter your age the place of residence You’re still time to register! you have until August 25, 2023.

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What are the advantages of Online Prepa-SEP?

For starters, it’s free, you can study in any place, whenever you want and in any device.

Prepare for the upper secondary level and finish it in two years and six months with certificate of official validity.

This way of studying gives you enough time to learn and continue to dedicate yourself to your tasks personal. There are even Mexicans out of country that they are doing their high school in this way.

SEP Online High School Curriculum

The official page claims to have a innovative educational model that promotes active and autonomous learning.

You will have a total of 23 modulesyou will take one per month to cover a wide range of knowledge, the areas What they will teach you are:

  • Communication
  • Mathematics
  • Experimental sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Humanities

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Accounts with expert support

Many times the online high school becomes complicated since in some places you have to be 100 percent self-taught.

In Prepa en Línea-SEP, you will have in each module the support of virtual advisors that will help you in your activities, you will also have the help of school tutors.

Which are the requirements?

To be part of the call, you need meet these conditions:

  • Have Mexican nationality, if you’re foreign, You must prove your legal stay in Mexico.
  • High school certificate or the equivalent resolution.
  • Of the emails personal and non-transferable that have not been used by other students in previous calls.
  • curp
  • Birth certificate

In order to access your classes, you need to have a computer equipment or mobile device with internet access, the power to go to spaces with internet (schools, institutions, public places, etc.).

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How do I register for Prepa Online-SEP?

To be part of the 57th generation of Online High School-SEPyou need finalize all these Steps:

  • Record: fill out the registration form, upload the documents requested and answer the socioeconomic context questionnaire that will appear later.
  • Propedeutic module: Then your username and password will be sent to your email with which you will enter the propedeutic module on the date they tell you.
  • Inscription: After passing the propaedeutic exam, you can upload the documentation that they will send you. You can do this step until October 19, 2023.

Finish your registration in time and form to guarantee your income to the new generation of Prepa en Línea-SEP.

With information from Prepa Online-SEP

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2023-08-23 21:32:24
#SEP #opens #call #study #high #school #online #requirements #registration #date

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