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Premiere of the Klaipėda Youth Theater – monoplay “Lighthouse”

Klaipėda Youth Theater presents the premiere monoplay “Lighthouse”. On April 12, the actress Marija Žemaitytė, a member of the group “Graži ir ta galinga”, will play in a mono-performance for the first time in the performance directed by Paulius Pinigis at the Klaipėda Culture Factory.

The author of the play, Timotée de Fombelle, talks about a man living on a lonely island. “This is a short story and when I read it, I liked the story, the way it is written, I liked that there is a lot of imagination, that it is played and balanced on the “real-false” border,” says the director of the performance. This is a story about loneliness. A man who doesn’t know about the rest of the world, who lives surrounded by his little memories, on an island of rocks and birds. This is a work about a man whose whole life is a lighthouse. Here everyday life merges with the seasons and the horizon constantly haunts. And the reality here is most vivid when we close our eyes.

“Although the main character in the short story is a man, I found him to be too soft and the world he created very girlish: rabbits, pieces of sugar, love. That’s why I chose Marija Žemaitytė to act in this performance”, says P. Pinigis. Surrounded by troubled sea waters every day, the character opens up the most sensitive corners of her life and shares her greatest joys. What does human life look like on an island where only birds escape, and no one else knows how dark it is in the middle of the sea?

This is the third performance directed by Paulius Pinigis in the Klaipėda Youth Theater. It is true that this year he and his teacher staged an immersive performance in Kuliai “Confession”. in 2023 The play “Waiting for Godot” directed by Mr. Pinigis was richly awarded at the festival of professional Lithuanian theaters “Teatro genas”.

Since 2012, Marija Žemaitytė has created dozens of both comedic and dramatic roles in the Klaipėda Youth Theater. At the Dalia Tamulevičiūtė Theater Festival, she was rated as the best actress with the performance “Stuck” (directed by Árpád Schilling).

The one-man show “Švyturys” will go on tour in Lithuania after the premiere: it will be shown in Vilnius on April 20, in Klaipėda on May 9, and in Kaunas on May 24.

More information: kjt.lt

Press release

#Premiere #Klaipėda #Youth #Theater #monoplay #Lighthouse
– 2024-04-08 14:57:46

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