On April 27, the long-awaited Brothers Apple film “Restless Minds” premiered at the Tallinn Black Film Festival. This is the story of two brothers-artists who, in creating their new exhibition, reveal much to themselves about the world of art, life as such and themselves.

The main roles in the film are Toms Auniņš and Mārcis Lācis. In other roles – Juris Žagars, Daniela Vētra, Dārta Danēviča. The film was made by “Tritone studio” and its producers are Raitis Ābele, Krisele Pudane and Roberts Vinovskis. The cinematographer of the film is Mārcis Ābele, the main artist is Zanda Zeidaka, and the editing director is Armands Začs.

The authors of the film – Raitis, Lauris and Mārcis Ābeles – talk about how the “Restless Minds” became, how to work with their brothers and what the “restless mind” really is. Marta Elīna Martinsone talks.


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