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Premiere of ‘Skal vi danse’ Season: Highlights and Performances at H3 Arena, Fornebu

var‍ en spennende og underholdende premierekveld for årets sesong av «Skal vi danse». Med ⁢12 nye kjendiser på dansegulvet var det knyttet stor spenning til deres danseprestasjoner.

Førstemann ut var ‌den tidligere proffbryteren Stig André Berge, som imponerte dommerne ​med ⁤sin Jive tillle. Men dansen i seg selv?‍ Litt rotete og kaotisk, men underholdende, sa Ludvigsen og fortsatte:

– Jeg er redd for at han kommer til å bli ⁢en publikumsfavoritt. Han har sjarm, han har ‌utstråling, og han har en partner som er helt rå. Men dansen? Ikke helt overbevisende.

Nettavisens terningkp>Nettavisens terningkast fra 1-6: 4

Dommernes poeng⁤ fra 1-10: 7+7+6

En sterk start på sesongen

Med en rekke imponerende danseopptredener var premieren av årets ‌sesong av «Skal vi danse» en suksess. SelvTitle:‌ Excitement and ​Surprises Mark the Premiere of “Skal vi danse” Season 17

Subtitle: ‍Former pro wrestler Stig André Berge impresses, while Trude Vasstrand receives mixed reviews

H3 ARENA, FORNEBU ⁤(Nettavisen): Saturday evening marked the highly anticipated premiere ⁢of this year’s season of ‍”Skal vi ‌danse” (Norwegian version of “Dancing with the Stars”).

Last year, viewers witnessed‍ a comeback ⁢with former ⁣participants in an “All-Star” season. However, this year, the show returned to its original concept with 12 new celebrities competing​ to become⁤ the best in⁤ ballroom dancing.

Although no one ⁢was eliminated in the ​first episode, there⁢ was still great anticipation surrounding the dance performances⁢ of the celebrities. Nettavisen’s “Skal vi danse” commentator, Maria Ludvigsen,⁢ has​ already made her predictions for the season.

Tonight and throughout the season, Ludvigsen will also rate the celebrities’ performances.

– Better⁣ than ‍expected –

First up on the ⁣dance floor this year was former pro wrestler Stig André Berge (40). Together with his dance partner Norunn Ringvoll, they opened the show with a ‌Jive to the song “Take On Me” ‌by⁤ A-ha.

Berge,‌ dressed in blue sequins, smiled from ear to ear⁤ throughout the dance. There was‌ no doubt that he was enjoying himself, swinging his partner⁣ around – much to the delight of the judges.

– I am so happy watching you. You show a completeness, and you are ⁣tough and clear. At the same time, you are so light. Very well done, said ‍an enthusiastic Morten Hegseth.

However, Nettavisen’s “Skal ‌vi danse” commentator was ‌not ​as convinced but still had faith in⁤ Berge:

– What an incredible performance! I ⁤didn’t expect that. His face is completely engaged, he works so⁢ hard⁤ and gives ‍it his all. But there is a bit of clumsiness too, said Ludvigsen, adding, – Much better than expected, but⁢ with⁤ a Pinocchio-like feeling. His body is not fully ‌engaged.

Nettavisen’s⁣ rating: 3 out of 6
Judges’ scores: 6+6+5

– Praise‌ from⁢ head to toe –

Next ‍up was⁣ former Melodi⁤ Grand Prix winner and musical artist Ulrikke⁣ Brandstorp (28). To the song “Make your own kind ⁢of music,” the ⁢28-year-old presented a fantastic Slowfox with her‍ dance‌ partner Tarjej⁢ Svalastog.

At ⁣least ‌according ⁤to the dance judges.

– This was so good! Slowfox is difficult, but you made it⁤ look easy. What you showed here was fantastic, stated ‌dance judge Morten Hegseth.

– Welcome to “Skal vi danse.” This was beautiful. You have ⁢music in your body, and you sing⁤ through the dance, said Trine Dehli ‍Cleve.

Nettavisen’s commentator was equally convinced:

– YES! She did it​ again! Disney princess! And what immersion and presence. But is it a bit mechanical? I ‍want to see more of Ulrikke, let yourself go even more, said Ludvigsen.

Nettavisen’s rating: 5 out of 6
Judges’ scores: 7+8+8

– Lacking confidence –

NRK presenter Selma Ibrahim⁣ (28) made ​her⁤ “Skal vi​ danse” debut with a Cha-cha-cha to the song “Remember” by Becky Hill and David Guetta.

Together with her dance partner Santino Mirenna, the⁣ duo received applause from the audience, despite the judges finding it a⁤ bit stiff.

– You look so comfortable and confident on stage. You have beautiful, straight legs ⁢and a lot of potential. But it was a bit stiff,⁢ said Merete Lingjærde.

– I had the feeling that there were nerves involved, said Trine​ Dehli Cleve.

Nettavisen’s‌ commentator agreed with the judges:

– HOT! But ‌she looks and seems uncomfortable. If she gains confidence and fully commits ⁤to ⁣every movement, she can‍ win⁤ the whole thing. Impressive for‌ a first dance, ‍but it’s a bit bumpy in a way. Amazing legs, immersion, and charm. So good, so talented, so great. But Selma just needs ⁢to⁢ believe in herself.

Nettavisen’s rating: 5 out of 6
Judges’ scores: 4+5+4

– Rating 1: Not good –

One person who was undoubtedly proud in the audience on Saturday night was‍ fitness influencer Jørgine Massa‍ Vasstrand (32), ‍who cried from the sidelines as her‌ mother Trude Vasstrand (58) made her dance debut.

To⁣ the song “Dancing On My Own” ‌by Robyn, Trude Vasstrand performed a Tango with her dance partner Catalin Andrei⁤ Mihu (28).

Despite her dedication and effort, the judges focused on Vasstrand’s ⁤age:

– I think it’s great that you, as a mature⁢ woman, participate in “Skal vi danse” and give it your all, said Trine Dehli Cleve.
detail photograph

⁢ What can viewers expect from the exciting⁢ and entertaining upcoming season of “Skal vi danse

Know how ⁢to use ‍it,⁢ commented Ludvigsen.

Nettavisen’s rating: 6 out of 6

Judges’ scores: 9+8+8

– Mixed ‌reviews for‌ Vasstrand –

Trude Vasstrand (36), ​​sports presenter and journalist, was the ​third celebrity ‌to take⁤ the stage. Together with her partner, Bjørn Wettre Holthe, ​she performed ‌a‌ Cha Cha Cha to the ‌song “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey.

While her performance received mixed reviews, it was clear that Vasstrand put in a lot of effort and energy ⁤into her routine.

-‍ Trude, you are a⁤ fighter.⁤ ⁤You really fight to the end. Technically, the steps were not always ⁣perfect, but you keep going and that is ​so impressive,⁣ praised Hegseth.

Ludvigsen, on the other hand, pointed ⁤out the technical flaws in Vasstrand’s performance.

– Trude, that was not your ​best dance. The technique was ⁤sloppy,‌ and there ⁤was ​a lack of ‌fluidity in your movements. But you have the energy and enthusiasm, said Ludvigsen.

Nettavisen’s⁤ rating: 2 ⁢out of 6

Judges’ scores: 6+4+5

– Exciting season ahead ‍-

With a mix of​ impressive and underwhelming⁤ dance performances, the premiere of ‌”Skal vi danse” Season 17 was an exciting and entertaining night. The 12 new ‌celebrities will continue to compete and improve ⁤their dancing skills, with the hope of becoming the ultimate winner⁢ of the season. The competition is ​just beginning,‍ and viewers can expect more ⁢surprises and suspense in the weeks to come.

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