Freiburg (dpa/lsw) – The 98 meter high concrete tower of a wind turbine is to be blown up on Friday (2 p.m.) on the so-called Holzschlägermatte in Freiburg. This creates space for the construction of a higher and more powerful wind turbine, said the managing partner of the green electricity group Freiburg, Andreas Markowsky, the German Press Agency.
The loud demolition of a wind turbine is a premiere for the southwest: the Stuttgart Ministry of the Environment announced on request that there had been no previous explosion in the country. The rotor blades of the plant have already been dismantled, as Markowsky said.
A second, also 20-year-old wind turbine at an altitude of almost 1000 meters will remain standing for the time being in order to continue producing electricity, said Markowsky. The tower should then be blown up in the spring. There is not enough space on the Holzschlägermatte not far from the Schauinsland summit for two new large wind turbines.
The operator of the system is the company Regiowind Freiburg – it is managed by green electricity and the regional energy supplier Badenova. The facility is owned by almost 500 citizens. Traffic restrictions in the area are expected during the blasting.
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