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Premier Li Qiang Inspects Earthquake-Stricken Areas for Winter Resettlement and Recovery

Original title: Li Qiang inspected and guided the affected people’s winter resettlement and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction in the earthquake-stricken areas of Gansu and Qinghai

Xinhua News Agency, Lanzhou, December 23. Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council Li Qiang went to earthquake-stricken areas in Gansu and Qinghai on December 23 to inspect and guide the affected people’s winter resettlement and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. He said that General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the people affected by the disaster. We must resolutely implement the spirit of the General Secretary’s important instructions, insist on putting people and life first, do our best to carry out earthquake relief work, and do our best to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property.

Li Qiang successively visited Dahe Village, Chenjia Village and Meipo Village in Dahejia Town, Jishishan County, Gansu Province, and Caotan Village and Meiyi Village, Zhongchuan Township, Minhe County, Qinghai Province, where he inspected the disaster site and visited resettlement sites to communicate with the affected people. Learn more about the resettlement of people, material support, construction of prefabricated houses, etc. from local cadres. Li Qiang expressed his gratitude to the rescue and construction workers working on the front line and hoped that they would continue their efforts, overcome difficulties, and resolutely win the tough battle of earthquake relief. Li Qiang pointed out that the current nighttime temperature in the disaster area is low, and it is necessary to find ways to improve resettlement conditions to ensure that the affected people have a place to live, have hot meals to eat, and are not exposed to the cold. Li Qiang encouraged local party members and cadres to further play the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and party members and cadres as pioneers and role models, so as to lead the affected people to strengthen their confidence and overcome difficulties together.

Li Qiang listened to work reports from Gansu and Qinghai provinces and relevant parties at the earthquake relief on-site headquarters in Jishishan County, Gansu Province. He fully affirmed the earthquake relief work in the previous stage and made arrangements for the next step. He emphasized that ensuring that the affected people are safe and warm through the winter is the current top priority. We must race against time to distribute disaster relief materials and daily necessities to resettlement sites and people as soon as possible, race against time to build prefabricated houses, so that the affected people who are currently settled in tents can move in as soon as possible, and do a solid job in keeping warm, keeping warm, and ensuring food safety. Fire inspections, etc. Efforts should be made to assess the houses in the earthquake area. Those that meet safety requirements can be guided to return home in an orderly manner on a voluntary basis. Those that meet the repair conditions should be repaired as soon as possible. Comprehensively promote the repair and reinforcement of various facilities, especially schools, hospitals and other special places, eliminate risks and hazards, and ensure the safe resumption of classes, work and market. It is necessary to make plans for comprehensive recovery and reconstruction after the spring in advance, and closely integrate it with the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements to help people in disaster areas improve their production and living conditions and prevent large-scale poverty from returning to poverty due to disasters. We must do our best to treat the wounded, strengthen the allocation of medical personnel, equipment and consumables, improve diagnosis and treatment plans, and do our best to save lives and reduce disabilities. Prepare enough commonly used medicines, do a good job in health and epidemic prevention, and provide timely psychological counseling to ensure the physical and mental health of people in disaster areas. It is necessary to effectively maintain social stability in disaster areas, release disaster relief situations in a timely and orderly manner, actively respond to social concerns, and promote advanced models to further inspire people. Cadres at all levels should further implement mass work in a more practical and detailed manner, promptly understand the difficulties and appeals of the disaster-stricken people, and effectively help solve practical problems so that they can fully feel the warmth of the party and the government.

Wu Zhenglong participated in the above activities.

“People’s Daily” (Page 01, December 24, 2023)

(Editors: Zhou Wanting, Du Yuxin)

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2023-12-24 06:34:00
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