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Preliminary vote count shows Sri Lanka’s National People’s Power Party leader Dissanayake winning the presidential election

21:57[Tha toraidhean cunntaidh bhòt tòiseachaidh a’ sealltainn gun do bhuannaich Dissanayake, ceannard Pàrtaidh Cumhachd Nàiseanta an t-Sluaigh ann an Sri Lanka, an taghadh ceann-suidhe]Preliminary count results announced by the Sri Lanka Election Commission on the 22nd showed that Dissanayake, the leader of the National People’s Power. The party in Sri Lanka won the presidential election on the 21st. (Xinhua News Agency)


#Preliminary #vote #count #shows #Sri #Lankas #National #Peoples #Power #Party #leader #Dissanayake #winning #presidential #election
2024-09-22 13:57:00

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