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Prejudice about obesity: “They said I just had to turn the switch”

“Obesity is not new,” says Ronald Liem, chairman of the professional group of obesity surgeons. “Yet I often notice that obesity knowledge is limited. Even with doctors,” he says to EditieNL.

Due to the lack of knowledge, people with obesity often have to deal with prejudices. “They often hear comments such as:” Your own shits, fat bump. You should exercise more and eat less, “says Liem.

“Just switch the button”

The 22-year-old Leentje – who weighed 150 pounds – knows all about it. “People told me to just do it. Just switch the button, then I would succeed.”

As a result, she dared not seek help for a long time. “For a long time I thought I had to be able to do it myself. If I was offered help, I would not accept it.”

Not between the ears

According to Ronald Liem, that problem is common. While according to him obesity is not at all in the ears. “Obesity is an isolated disease. Eating is a kind of addiction for these people. They get a signal from their brains that they are hungry and need to eat more. That has been scientifically proven.”

Physical complaints

Another reason why, according to him, more attention should be paid to obesity is that there are risks that people know little about. For example, obesity patients not only have a greater risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, but obesity can also lead to infertility, skin problems and sleep apnea.

“Patients often say,” Yes, I am too fat. But I don’t feel sick. ” As a result, they underestimate the problem, but they also have an increased risk of other diseases. “

Sociable animal

Liesbeth Timmerman (50) was struggling with obesity for years. “I used to be a skinny girl, but after my second pregnancy the pounds lingered. I tried all the diets, but I am a social animal. So after a while I came back every time.”

For years she weighed 120 kilos. “At one point those kilos started to play tricks. My joints bothered me and I even had to have a knee prosthesis. I also had inflammation and my hip ached. I couldn’t sleep anymore at night.”

Stomach reduction

In the end, a stomach reduction became her way out. “I also had two intestinal hernias, which meant that I had to undergo surgery more often. So a stomach reduction like that is not the ideal solution either. But now I am doing fine. I have lost almost 60 pounds.”

She is now following a course to become a personal stylist. “I want to help other people who have lost weight or want to lose weight to gain a more positive self-image. Many people are insecure in their bodies. I want to inspire and motivate those people.”

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