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Pregnant women run NYC marathon for KiKa

After Thai Vo’s daughter fell ill a few years ago, but luckily recovered, Hung Vo, Jeffrey Tai, Erwin Kampen and Thai Vo decided to dedicate themselves to KiKa last year. It led to participation in the New York City Marathon.

Together they raised 70,780 euros. They received help from obs De Meander and Het Drachtster Lyceum in Drachten, among others. But many friends, relatives and entrepreneurs also came to the rescue.

Great effort

In exchange for all the donations, the Drachtsters ran the NYC Marathon last week. It did not prove to be an easy edition. Where the temperature normally fluctuates between 8 and 14 degrees, this year it was as high as 24 degrees. In combination with the high humidity, the men had to make a lot of effort.

The enterprising four surpassed it and won the coveted medal. With the money raised – together with other runners – KiKa can subsidize two important studies in the next four years. At the moment, the survival rate of children with cancer in the Netherlands is 81%, which should and can be higher, according to the four.

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