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Pregnant Women Need to Know, Low Birth Weight Babies are at Risk for Diabetes and Hypertension

TRIBUNJABAR.ID, BANDUNG – Infants with low birth weight have a greater risk of metabolic disorders in adulthood. Quoted from UGM’s official website, an epidemiological study shows a relationship between epigenetic changes in early life and non-communicable diseases later in life.

Therefore, it is important to evaluate the effect of epigenetic changes and nutritional intake early in life since prenatal six months in low birth weight infants.

This was stated by a doctoral student from the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM, dr. Neti Nurani, M.Kes., Sp.A (K), in the doctoral promotion open examination on Wednesday (2/3). In her dissertation entitled The Effect Global DNA Methylation Status at Birth and Early Life Nutrition on the growth and Nutrition Status of Low Birth Weight Infant, Nety stated that compared to normal birth weight babies, low birth weight babies were found to be at a higher risk of experiencing metabolic disorders at birth. their adulthood, which includes hypertension, type I diabetes, type II diabetes, and hyperlipidemia.

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“Deficient nutrition in early pregnancy is correlated with low birth weight and obesity risk in adulthood, while malnutrition in late pregnancy reduces glucose tolerance in later years,” he explained.

In his research on 53 low birth weight babies and 41 normal weight babies and their mothers in the Maternal-Perinatal Installation at Dr. RSUP. Sardjito Yogyakarta and several private hospitals in DI Yogyakarta from January 2018 to June 2019 it was known that there were significant differences in global DNA methylation status in premature and full-term births and normal weight infants.

“Global DNA methylation status at birth did not affect growth rate and nutritional status at six months. Carbohydrates and energy levels of breast milk at 1-2 months affect the rate of growth and nutritional status in premature and normal weight infants,” he said.

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In this study he measured the global methylation status of infants derived from the percentage of methylation at birth.

Furthermore, the data for the assessment of growth trends is monitored on a monthly basis.

In addition, the nutritional status of the intake of breastfeeding or not. The data on maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation were obtained using the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ).

“Infants’ sex, birth weight, fat content, and carbohydrates in breast milk at 1-2 months of age were associated with significant body weight. Birth length, energy, and carbohydrate content in breast milk at 1-2 months and maternal height were significantly related to length at six months,” he said.

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