Home » today » Health » Pregnant women bask in the sun for 20 minutes a day, and relatives urgently advise “high temperature affects the fetus”! Gynecologist dumbfounded 1 sentence blast | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Pregnant women bask in the sun for 20 minutes a day, and relatives urgently advise “high temperature affects the fetus”! Gynecologist dumbfounded 1 sentence blast | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Life Center / Reported by Xu Zhichao

▲A pregnant woman went to the top floor to bask in the sun every day, but was told by relatives that “the high temperature in the sun will affect the fetus.” (Schematic diagram / flip from pixabay)

There are hundreds of pregnancy taboos, but many of them have no scientific basis and only increase the distress of pregnant women. Regarding this, Su Yining, an obstetrician and gynecologist, shared that she received a private message from a netizen asking questions. The sister-in-law is currently 16 weeks pregnant, and they would go to the sun every morning to chat, but was told by relatives that “high temperature in the sun” would affect the fetus. The doctor was quite dumbfounded when he heard this, and directly replied, “Your relative should have his head checked.”

Dr. Su Yining posted a screenshot of the conversation on Facebook PO. It can be seen that a netizen asked a question. The sister-in-law is currently 16 weeks pregnant. From the 12th week to the present, the two of them will go to the top floor to bask in the sun every morning, while sitting and drinking tea and chatting. About 15 to 20 minutes.

However, relatives said that the high temperature in the sun would affect the fetus, which made the sister-in-law very worried. She didn’t know what would happen to the fetus. There were still 2 weeks before the birth checkup. I invited my sister-in-law to bask in the sun.” After hearing this, Dr. Su bluntly said, “Your relative should have his head checked.”

Dr. Su Yining pointed out that more than 95% of pregnant women are deficient in vitamin D, and one of the sources of vitamin D is exposure to the sun.  (Schematic diagram / flip from pixabay)

▲Dr. Su Yining pointed out that more than 95% of pregnant women are deficient in vitamin D, and one of the sources of vitamin D is exposure to the sun. (Schematic diagram / flip from pixabay)

Physician Su Yining said, “Isn’t it okay for pregnant women to bask in the sun?” According to the data of vitamin D blood test in recent years, more than 95% of pregnant women are seriously deficient in vitamin D, and vitamin D is the most important There are 3 sources, “sun, food, and nutritional supplements”, but not only pregnant women, Taiwanese are generally deficient in vitamin D.

Physician Su Yining explained that in addition to people paying attention to sun protection and not liking the sun, there are not so many foods that can really take in enough vitamin D, so an appropriate amount of supplementation is very important. Being blackmailed by emotions, this is really sad, there is enough X North.”

After the post was exposed, netizens also complained, “The sun can become a descendant of the sun”, “There are all kinds of urban legends”, “Are you afraid that the fetus will get sunburned? Or will the amniotic fluid boil?”, “The sun said: I block you Is the family gone?”, “So pushing the elderly to bask in the sun is to get the inheritance early?”, “So there should be no human beings in tropical countries.”

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