Home » today » Health » Pregnant woman Fiona Erdmann defends herself against criticism of genetic testing: “Let me do it”

Pregnant woman Fiona Erdmann defends herself against criticism of genetic testing: “Let me do it”

Published on 22. Oktober 2024 at 17:40 by Milena Fuchs

Fiona Erdmann announced in September that she was pregnant again. Now she has been criticized for having a genetic test carried out. But she won’t let that go!

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Pregnant woman Fiona Erdmann counters criticism of genetic testing

For Fiona Erdmann it is a real miracle: she is expecting her third baby. This is the 36-year-old’s fifth pregnancy – most recently she suffered two miscarriages. That was probably one of the reasons why she had a genetic test carried out on the unborn baby. She cannot understand why she is being criticized for this.

Fiona Erdmann always dreamed of a large family

Fiona Erdmann became known through Germany’s Next Top Model and is now a successful influencer and lives in Dubai. She lives there with her second husband and their two children.

Even in her first marriage, she dreamed of having a large family in the future. But her husband at the time didn’t seem so enthusiastic about it. With “Moe” she is now making this dream come true: at the end of September, the dark-haired woman announced that she was pregnant again.

After setbacks, she is now getting closer to this dream

The dream of having her own extended family has also presented the entrepreneur with many challenges. She suffered a miscarriage in 2021 and at the beginning of 2024. Fiona is now even more happy about her new pregnancy. On Instagram she wrote about a family video, which she captioned, among other things, the hashtag “rainbow baby”:

I have always believed in miracles – and you will be my next one. We can’t wait to meet you.

Apparently the expectant mother wanted to be on the safe side based on her experiences: she had a genetic test done on her unborn child. This should check how high the probability of certain diseases is. In a new video, the model announces the result:

You can’t imagine how incredibly nervous I was. I hardly dared to open the document. But now we have certainty – everything is fine, our baby is healthy and we couldn’t be more grateful.

The pregnant woman receives a lot of criticism because of a genetic test – and defends herself

However, not all followers are enthusiastic about this good news. While some of the former GNTM-Congratulations to the participant, many criticize the fact that Fiona had this test done. One fan writes, for example:

How can you say ‘we took the test, our baby is healthy’ when this test has ZERO significance? Sure, trisomies and certain things are excluded, but there are countless genetic defects or disabilities that the test cannot cover. This is misinformation and informed parents rely on it. Every person who wants to have children and becomes pregnant must inevitably be prepared for the fact that the option will always be there. You can never be sure of a non-disabled child.

The pregnant woman is annoyed that so many people criticize her. She is now defending herself against the haters and making a clear statement to them:

Let me do my thing and enjoy certain things without always judging everything.

Also interesting:

Fiona Erdmann: “We lost a baby for the second time”

“Huge shock”: Pregnant woman Fiona Erdmann has Corona

“Psychological stress”: This is how Fiona Erdmann deals with her miscarriage

Source used:

Instagram: @fionaerdmann

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