Home » today » Entertainment » Pregnant without revealing belly, taking only upper body pictures… Harsh people questioned “Ashly seeks surrogate” Nick angrily scolded: Enough | Entertainment | CTWANT extension

Pregnant without revealing belly, taking only upper body pictures… Harsh people questioned “Ashly seeks surrogate” Nick angrily scolded: Enough | Entertainment | CTWANT extension

YouTuber couple Nick and Ashly have been married for 2 years. They tried various remedies, traditional Chinese medicine and artificial insemination, but could not conceive. Subsequently, they successfully conceived through IVF and welcomed their baby girl in June of this year. As Ashly’s condition recovered quickly after the discharge, many people praised “I don’t see you being born.” However, there are a small number of acid critics who attack the fact that Ashly didn’t show her pregnant belly because she got the baby through surrogacy and other methods. Nick made a big clarification on this, it’s not like if you don’t show your belly you won’t get pregnant, and you really need to get a lawyer.

Nick and Ashly have wanted to have children since their marriage, but have tried various remedies without success. They later decided to make test-tube babies and filmed the process. It can be seen from the video that Nick helped Ashly give ovulation injections and two days before the egg retrieval operation, two extra large doses of injections were given.

Ashly regained her figure very quickly after giving birth. (Picture / flip from IG / nickwang1988, ashlychan0113)

However, because Ashly’s figure recovered quickly after giving birth and she rarely shared full body pics and pregnancy photos during her pregnancy, some people attacked her, “You haven’t had a baby and the videos only shot the upper body, and deliberately did not shoot below the belly.”

Nick clarified it again yesterday (13), “I’ve had enough. I haven’t looked for a surrogate. Ashly got pregnant and gave birth to the baby herself. It’s impossible to collude with Song Ziniao’s reputation and credit and Mu Sheng. Come and lie.” He believes that everyone has the right to show off their body, and that doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant if you don’t show your belly. You really need to find a lawyer.

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