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Pregnancy Classes: A Comprehensive Guide for Expectant Mothers


Nurul Jasmine Fathia | Haibunda

Saturday, 14 Oct 2023 14:20 IWST

When pregnant, it is a good idea for mothers to increase their education regarding pregnancy, breastfeeding and caring for their little one when he is born. Education like this can be obtained from the internet or by attending classes provided specifically for pregnant women.

Pregnancy classes can be taken from the first trimester of pregnancy, Mother. The more classes you take, the more insight you will have. Launching from Pregnancy InfoHere are recommendations for pregnancy classes that pregnant women can take and their benefits.

Type of pregnant class

Check out the full review below:

1. Early pregnancy classes

Mothers can take early pregnancy classes if they want to prepare mentally and physically. This class can contain material for recognizing body changes and dealing with complaints in early pregnancy.

Benefits of early pregnancy classes Get early consultation. Learn about pregnancy early. Understand how to keep yourself safe during pregnancy. Know nutritional standards during pregnancy. Get complete information about pregnancy.

2. Lamaze Class

Lamaze classes study breathing techniques, relaxation and support needed to prepare for childbirth. Lamaze itself is a method of preparing for childbirth with the aim of building self-confidence.

Apart from that, Lamaze classes will teach mothers about coping mechanisms for childbirth. Lamaze classes can be said to be successful when breathing becomes focused and sensations such as pain that you feel will move without realizing it.

3. Calm birth class

Calm birth classes focus on understanding the connection between mind and body during childbirth. This class will also explain how a woman’s emotional state can affect the birthing process.

The aim of this class is so that mothers and fathers can prepare themselves as well as possible to welcome the birth of their little one without excessive fear.

4. Hypnobirthing class

Method of giving birth with hypnobirthing first introduced by Marie Mongan, M.Ed., M.Hy., a hypnotherapist and graduate of the Harvard University Ford Foundation. If you give birth normally using this method, your brain will be trained to be able to respond to feelings of relaxation on demand.

Several studies show that women who take part in exercise hypnobirthing will experience fewer pregnancy and childbirth complications than those who do not undergo it. Mothers can also take this class with Fathers to prepare for the birth of their little one.

Benefits of hypnobirthing

Here are some of the benefits if you take the class hypnobirthing

Give positive thoughts. Get to know your body’s condition better during pregnancy. Increasing the role of the partner. Trained to communicate with the fetus. Instill positive affirmations during childbirth. Flexing the body of pregnant women. Get IMD education. Recommended hypnobirthing classes and costs

Moms can take yoga classes, takenl pilates, couple prenatal yoga, hypnobirthing and childbirth educationas well as breastfeeding and newborn care. Pregnancy classes are usually held on Sundays with different costs for each class and session. Please visit Instagram @bumilpamil.id, for more complete information.

Bunsay’s friends opened prenatal gentle yoga and hypnobirthing classes which were taught directly by experienced midwives. Mothers can take classes directly (offline) or online (online).

5. Antenatal aqua class

Aqua antenatal classes, also known as aquantal, are yoga and pilates classes in water. In this class, pregnant women will learn movements to strengthen and tone muscles, including relaxing sensations in the water.

You can take this class from the time you reach 12 weeks of pregnancy. The movements taught will also be different at each gestational age.

Benefits of antenatal aqua classes Increases the efficiency of the nervous system. Promotes blood flow to the pelvic area. Reduces swelling. Balancing hormones. Increases oxygen supply. Maintains flexibility of the spine and joints. Improves connection between mother and baby during pregnancy.

6. Pregnancy or antenatal yoga classes

Taking a yoga class can be the right choice if you want to stay healthy and fit during pregnancy. Apart from that, pregnancy or antenatal yoga, which is done regularly during pregnancy until close to delivery, is believed to help make delivery calmer and easier.

“Well, for physical preparation you can do prenatal yoga or Pilates. “This is fine to follow from the first trimester, but for early pregnancy it is recommended to take private classes, because this is more about hormonal balance and relaxation movements to make the mother comfortable with her body,” said Midwife Ika Fitriyanti Soleha, when contacted by HaiBunda some time ago. .

Apart from taking yoga or antenatal classes, mothers can also try pilates classes during pregnancy. However, make sure that when doing this class, you are under the supervision of a trainer who has experience training Pilates for pregnant women.

This is because even though Pilates is safe to do during pregnancy, there are still several movements that are not recommended for pregnant women. Pilates has many benefits, especially for the pelvic area so that labor goes easily.

The benefits of yoga and pilates to reduce the risk of birth complications

Here are some of the benefits of yoga and Pilates during pregnancy

Improve sleep quality. Reduces stress and anxiety during pregnancy and before delivery. Increases strength, flexibility and muscle endurance necessary for labor. Reduces lower back pain, nausea, headaches and shortness of breath. Prepare yourself to face the stress of being a new parent. Cost range and registration methods

The range of costs that must be paid to take yoga and pilates classes during pregnancy of course depends on where you take the class. However, usually the price that must be paid ranges from IDR 50 thousand to IDR 175 thousand per meeting. To register, please visit social media or the website of each yoga and pilates place you want to join, Mother.

Recommended yoga and pilates places

Located on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 50 Plaza Semanggi, South Jakarta. Color Yoga targets all groups and ages to do yoga, including pregnant women. Mothers only need to spend Rp. 175 thousand for one prenatal yoga session.

Birth Stories Home Studio 1 – Prenatal Yoga, Doula & Childbirth Education

Birth Stories Home Studio 1-Prenatal Yoga, Doula & Childbirth Education is located on Jl. Pengadegan Selatan No. VII, Pancoran, South Jakarta. Yoga classes here are available online and offline, aka face to face, Mother. The price for online classes is IDR 50 thousand for one session. Meanwhile, face-to-face is IDR 125 thousand for one session

7. Breastfeeding classes

The last class which is no less important is the breastfeeding class, usually the breastfeeding class will be held at the same time as the class on caring for a newborn baby. You can take this class during pregnancy and it would be better if you enter the third trimester.

In this class, not only mothers are given education, therefore it is a good idea for mothers and fathers to come together to take this class. Through this class, couples can also be prepared to learn about the challenges they may experience when breastfeeding and caring for a newborn.

Benefits of breastfeeding classes Get more complete information about breastfeeding. Makes mothers confident when breastfeeding their little one. Get information regarding the good and correct way to pump breast milk and store breast milk. Know what obstacles may occur during breastfeeding. Know what to do if problems occur while breastfeeding. When is it best to start breastfeeding classes

You can take breastfeeding classes from the first trimester of pregnancy, but it’s a good idea to take this class when your pregnancy enters the third trimester. This will make you remember more about what is taught during the class.

Cost range

To attend 1 breastfeeding class session, you have to prepare at least around IDR 100 thousand to IDR 200 thousand. However, this cost also depends on where you take the breastfeeding class. There are also breastfeeding classes conducted online at a cheaper price.

Hopefully the information about the 7 types of pregnancy along with the benefits, recommended places, costs and how to access them can help mothers who are pregnant healthily.

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2023-10-14 07:20:00
#Types #Pregnancy #Classes #Benefits #Reduce #Risk #Childbirth #Complications

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