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Prefect of Maine-et-Loire Visits Lion-d’Angers in Effort to Reduce Delays in Issuing Identity Documents

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The prefect of Maine-et-Loire, Pierre Ory, came to meet the agents of the service which issues identity documents (passports and cards) at Lion-d’Angers (Maine-et-Loire), on May 17 2023. (©Haut Anjou)

The 17th of 2023, Pierre Oryprefect of Maine et Loire, took the pulse of the service of the city of Lion-d’Angers (Maine-et-Loire) which issues identity documents. The municipality is particularly invested in reduce delays making appointments for users.

Le Lion-d’Angers is one of the first towns in the department to have signed the securities emergency contractwhich aims to increase the number of appointments to cope with the increase in applications for passports and national identity cards. The prefect is conquered.

Since the fin 2021requests for renewal identity documents have experienced an unprecedented increase.

The Lion-d’Angers pilot

The Lion-d’Angers has put in place a system which “allows it to work better, and that’s what we came to see”, explains the Prefect, Pierre Oryto the officers present.

Pour make it easier to book an appointmentavoid last-minute cancellations, “our pet peeve”, says the prefect, and try to avoid the pitfall of duplicatesslots are opened every month.

So, with this device, 250 appointments per month are treated, i.e. 50% above the departmental average.

“The Lion-d’Angers has a policy of limited slots, it is in line with what we would like to see generalized. »

Pierre OryPrefect of Maine-et-Loire

The slots are open at the end of each month. Three entries are possible : par phonepar the platform or via physical expectation.

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“Before the end of the day, the slots are taken”, explains Aurélie, a service agent at Lion-d’Angers. “The appointments are linked every fifteen minutes. Fortunately, we can count on team cohesion, because we are on the job, the pace is dense. »

Once the title arrives, it can be withdrawn every evening. “Thirty to forty-five minutes are reserved in the evening for this,” explains the officer of the service concerned.

On-time performance

“This system allows both to be efficient and to have maximum flexibility”, adds the mayor of Lion-d’Angers, Étienne Glémot.

“The city is the most efficient in the department in terms of the number of documents produced, with an average appointment time of sixteen days once the date has been set. »

Etienne GlemotMayor of Lion-d’Angers

“The pressure will remain strong, even if there is an improvement”, warns the prefect.

“Here you are at the end of the chain, comes after validation by the CERT of Le Mans (center of expertise and return of titles), then manufacturing. For the user, it is between seven and eight weeks of waiting. »

Pierre OryPrefect of Maine-et-Loire

In 2022au Lion-d’Angers, 3,034 requests for identity documents were honoured, 1,545 identity cards and 1,489 passports produced.

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2023-06-01 12:29:19
#city #LiondAngers #good #student #issuing #identity #documents

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