Home » Health » Predictions of Human Extinction Due to Rising Earth Temperatures

Predictions of Human Extinction Due to Rising Earth Temperatures

Jakarta – Nothing is eternal in this world. Likewise with human life. Especially considering that there has been a lot of climate change and the Earth’s temperature is warming, it is possible that humanity will soon become a victim.

Quoted detikInet from Newsweek, researchers predict when humans will become extinct. Supercomputer climate modeling suggests that in another 250 million years, almost all mammals will become extinct as Earth’s temperature rises at frightening levels.

All life will be difficult to survive in this situation. Meanwhile in the journal Nature Geoscience, it is explained that extinction also threatens humans. However, we are more likely to survive than other creatures because of our technological advances. With the help of technology such as air conditioning, for example, humans can survive better.

“If we just look at humans’ natural ability to survive extreme heat (without technology) then there are some heat thresholds that cannot be crossed in general,” said Alexander Farnsworth, lead author of the paper and a researcher at the University of Bristol.

The explanation is that exposure to temperatures including heat and humidity above 35 degrees for more than 6 hours will have fatal consequences.

Likewise, dry temperatures as measured by a thermometer, above 40 degrees Celsius with low humidity for long periods of time are also deadly.

At least in the next 50 million years, Earth’s conditions are predicted to be very scary. Temperatures may be between 40-70 degrees Celsius due to rising carbon dioxide levels.

The increase in temperature in the future will not only be due to human activity. This is mostly due to tectonic activity that triggers volcanic eruptions, as well as because the Sun produces about 2.5% more radiation.

“In our research, global temperatures could be around 10-15 degrees Celsius warmer than today and on land alone, temperatures could be between 25-30 degrees Celsius warmer than today,” Farnsworth said.

The sun is predicted to be around 2.5 percent brighter in the next 250 million years, adding more energy to Earth and warming the world even more.

This article has appeared on detikInet, read in full here.


2023-09-27 20:31:44
#Scientists #Predictions #Time #Human #Extinction

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