Home » today » News » Predict when Mercury, Venus and, perhaps, Earth will disappear – Daily The Page – 2024-04-15 21:53:58

Predict when Mercury, Venus and, perhaps, Earth will disappear – Daily The Page – 2024-04-15 21:53:58

Astrophysicists from the University of Warwick, together with international collaborators, have revealed what awaits the solar system in five billion years. According to research published in Monthly Notices—a scientific journal of the Royal Astronomical Society—Mercury, Venus and possibly Earth will face a catastrophic fate then.

The study delves into the eventual energy depletion of stars and their transformation into white dwarfs. The Earth, whose fate is not yet fully identified, could avoid incineration, but under extreme conditions: with the loss of its atmosphere and oceans.

“It’s not clear whether or not the Earth can move fast enough before the Sun can catch up with it and burn it up, but (if it does) the Earth would lose its atmosphere and its ocean, and it wouldn’t be a very nice place to live,” Boris Gaensicke, a professor at the University of Warwick, said in a statement.

What will the solar system be like in five billion years?

According to the study, the Sun currently consumes hydrogen in its core. However, it is destined to become a red giant star – which is when a star exhausts the hydrogen in its core – and eventually a white dwarf – which is when a star reaches its last stage of life – which It would mark the end of a stellar cycle. During this transformation, the closer planets, such as Mercury and Venus, will be engulfed by the expanded Sun.

Furthermore, during this period, some of Jupiter’s moons could share this fatal fate and be crushed or dislodged from their orbits. As for Earth, while it could evade direct absorption, it will face extreme conditions that would eradicate any known life form.

Researchers also predict that the fate of asteroids and smaller moons is equally grim – they will likely be turned to dust.

Why was the study conducted and what is its importance?

The study was carried out from the quest to understand the life cycle of stars and their effects on surrounding planetary systems. By analyzing the fate of other solar systems similar to our own, scientists can infer the future of our own cosmic neighborhood. This type of research highlights the complexity and dynamics of the universe, in addition to offering argued perspectives on the formation, evolution and disappearance of planets.

Why won’t the Earth disappear along with Mercury and Venus?

Although the study suggests a catastrophic end for Mercury and Venus, the study indicates that Earth could have a slightly different fate in the estimated time period. The reason lies in the possibility that our planet manages to stay at a safe distance from the Sun during its expansion into a red giant and thus avoid being devoured. However, this does not mean that the Earth is free from dire consequences due to the intense radiation and high temperatures to which it would be exposed.

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