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Precautionary measures: Acting instead of suppressing: This is how men stay healthy – health

Berlin (dpa / tmn) – The “men’s flu” is more of a cliché than medical truth – but there are already typical men’s diseases. Most of these are easily treatable and curable. However, the prerequisite is that they are recognized early – and that is often a problem.

“Men often live healthier than women: overall, they eat more fat, drink more alcohol and smoke more often,” says Monika Köster, an expert on men’s health at the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). Physical activity is also often neglected.

The consequences are diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and ultimately the resulting cardiovascular diseases: men are more often affected by all of these problems than women. The same applies to addictions and injuries due to work and traffic accidents. Why is that?

Men don’t know their bodies

“There is often a lack of knowledge and information about one’s own body in boys and men,” explains Alex Schroeder, President of the Professional Association of German Urologists (BvDU). “In addition, the boys and men do not benefit from the stereotypes that are unfortunately still common today – for example, that a boy does not cry or that a man knows how to help himself with problems.”

According to the urologist, typical men’s diseases and problems must be viewed and treated from several perspectives – that is, holistically. After all, many problems are somehow related. An example: the decrease in testosterone from the mid-40s.

“Unlike with women, the formation of testosterone never stops completely, but with less testosterone the man becomes calmer, more phlegmatic, less energetic, which often means that he spends less time doing sports, but more on the Spends sofa, »says Schroeder. Weight gain is often the result.

Overweight and obesity, but also high blood pressure and diabetes must then also be considered from a general medical and internal point of view. An example: “Every diabetic gets erectile dysfunction at some point because the high blood sugar levels can impair the blood flow necessary for an erection,” explains Schroeder.

Erectile dysfunction is not only a psychological problem, but also an organic one. It is often the first signs of circulatory disorders, which in turn are a risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

Prevention protects against nasty surprises

It is all the more important that men do not go to the doctor only when the body sounds the alarm. “Many diseases, especially certain types of cancer, lead to symptoms relatively late,” explains Monika Köster from the BZgA. Early detection examinations help to identify problems in good time and increase the chances of recovery.

Comprehensive information on early detection examinations is available from the BZgA at www.maennergesundheitsportal.de. Schroeder advises to go to early detection. Only then can treatment be gentle and curative. “For example, prostate cancer can be treated, and can also be cured at an early stage.” Those who are late can usually only be helped with soothing therapy.

“To put it somewhat polemically and considering the sociological aspects mentioned, the man is a displacer,” says Schroeder. «A gradual change doesn’t drive him into practice. He must already have an accident or major complaints. »

  • BZgA men’s health portal

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