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Preacher Hanan Attaki Joins Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in a Pledge Ceremony

CNN Indonesia

Friday, 12 May 2023 14:22 WIB

Hanan Attaki has been known as a preacher who often gives lectures among young people. (Special Archive via Detikcom)

Jakarta, CNNIndonesia

Preacher Hanan Attaki officially pledged and joined as a member Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) on Thursday (11/5).

The General Manager of Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) East Java Regional Manager Marzuki Mustamar guides Hanan Attaki to deliver his pledge to become a member of NU. The pledge read by Marzuki was then followed by Hanan Attaki witnessed by the entire congregation present.

Alhamdulillah, tonight is the best night of my life since my mother gave birth to me. Because for a believer he is born twice, first his body by his biological parents, secondly his spirit is born by his teacher or murshid,” Hanan Attaki was quoted as saying on the official NU East Java website.

Hanan Attaki has been known as a preacher who often gives lectures among young people. Hanan was born in Aceh December 31, 1981. He graduated from the Ruhul Islam Islamic Boarding School in Banda Aceh.

After graduating from the Islamic boarding school, he continued his studies at Al-Azhar University, Egypt with a scholarship. Hanan majored in Interpretation of the Koran, Ushuluddin Al Azhar Faculty with a Lc.

After graduating from Al-Azhar, Hanan chose to settle in Bandung with his wife and children. He then worked as a teacher at SQT Habiburrahman.

Hanan began to be known to the public when he initiated the Shift or Youth Hijrah movement which bridged the millennial generation to actively preach.

Special coverage CNNIndonesia.com which was published in July 2019 and explained that Shift was officially formed in March 2015. At that time, Shift was formed when Hanan Attaki tried to involve young people in his preaching activities.

The preaching language on the pulpit that Hanan does is friendly for young people. The purpose is to make it easier to digest and accept.

Hanan uses communication that is more familiar to young people. For example, packaging content on social media that millennials like.

Hanan had experienced rejection and disbandment when he held his da’wah in several areas of East Java some time ago.

Hanan’s da’wah which was packaged as a Sky Concert was rejected in a number of East Java regencies/cities, including Gresik, Jember and Situbondo in mid-July 2022.

In fact, Hanan’s sermon at the Al-Muttaqien Mosque, Laden Village, Pamekasan District, Madura was disbanded on February 12.

PCNU Gresik had even refused Hanan to give a lecture at the Maulana Malik Ibrahim Grand Mosque on 30 July 2022. One of the reasons was because Hanan was allegedly a former member of HTI.

“For ex-HTI lecturers, it’s heavy. Moreover, they are placed in the Grand Mosque which incidentally belongs to the Gresik Regency Government. The point is we object, if possible No there’s no need to invite the ustaz,” said PCNU Gresik Secretary Mohammad Syifaul Fuad at the time.

In his clarification video, Hanan explained that he had never been in contact with HTI so far. He admits that he is not a sympathiser, let alone a member of the HTI management structure.

Hanan explained that he had never joined any religious organization when he finished his studies at Al Azhar University in Egypt.

“I follow the Ash’ari creed, taking the Shafi’i school. Because I studied at Al Azhar and I had time nyantri six years while in Aceh. So there is no relationship with HTI,”he said.


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2023-05-12 07:22:00

#Traces #Dawah #Hanan #Attaki #Rejected #Ends #Joining

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