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Pre-Kindergarten Registration Starts Next Week in Fort Worth ISD | Univision 23 Dallas Ft. Worth KUVN

FORT WORTH, Texas .- The Fort Worth school district will open registrations on April 1 while Dallas ISD still does not have an agreed date, the institution indicated by telephone, adding that it will be the first week of the month.

According to Fort Worth ISD, pre-kindergarten is of vital importance for the development of children in addition to helping them with their academic preparation that includes language, literacy, mathematics, among other learning.

According to the internet portal of Dallas ISD, 90% of the development of the human brain occurs before 5 years of age. In a recent report, the school district noted that during the pandemic, student learning has been affected, however they noted that those who attended pre-kindergarten have achieved higher scores in reading and vocabulary compared to those who did not attend.

Susana Cordova, Dallas ISD Assistant Superintendent for Leadership and Learning, reports that if students do not participate in pre-kindergarten, their learning will be affected “if they are not involved in virtual classes we are not sure that they are receiving learning support for academic development. “He also said that this stage at the school level is a great tool for Hispanic students” we help them learn their first language which is Spanish but also their second language which is English and it will help them for all their life.”

The requirements to see if your child qualifies to attend the pre-kindergarten program in the Fort Worth School District can be found at this link You can also register online here.

Among the documents you need to register your son or daughter for pre-kindergarten are:

-Proof of age and identity
-Vaccination card
-Proof of address

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