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Prayer vigils for the early end of the war – Rhein-Main-Neckar

Würzburg. More than 230 people took part in an ecumenical prayer for peace in Würzburg’s Kiliansdom on Friday. At the same time, similar interdenominational prayer vigils for peace in Ukraine were held throughout the diocese, praying for the victims of the violence and for a speedy end to the hostilities.

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The prayer in the cathedral was followed by Pastor Dr. Matthias Leineweber from the Sant’Egidio community, deputy dean of the Würzburg deanery, and Dr. Wenrich Slenczka, Protestant Dean of the Würzburg Deanery, and the Russian Orthodox priest Vladimir Bayanov. In addition to Auxiliary Bishop Ulrich Boom and Vicar General Dr. Jürgen Vorndran also attended, among others, Würzburg’s Lord Mayor Christian Schuchardt, Mayoress Judith Jörg and the Board of Directors of the Diocesan Council of Catholics.

“We are united by concern about the situation in Ukraine. Peace is too important for all of us and for the entire world,” said Leineweber. Right now, ecumenical cohesion among all Christians is required.

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In his sermon, Dean Slenczka interpreted the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. “Where the sun of justice shines, we also see our own injustice,” he said. Slenzcka warned to consider one’s own part in the current situation. “Did we listen to Putin? Did we sign deals with the wrong people? Bearing too little witness to peace and justice? Prayed and believed too little?” pow

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