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Prayer to Saint Águeda, patroness of patients with breast cancer

February 5 is the feast of Santa Águeda, the patron saint of patients with breast cancer.

We remember her as a third century martyr. Roman emperor Decius it required all citizens to make sacrifices to false gods or face death.

Santa Águeda chose the latter.

However, one of the magistrates said that if he had sex with her, he would dismiss his charges. She refused and was therefore punished. They put her in jail, tortured her, beat her and cut off her breasts.

In the midst of this suffering, he said: “Cruel man, have you forgotten your mother and the breast that fed you, that you dare to mutilate me like this?”.

That is why the Church remembers her as the patron saint of breast cancer patients.

Prayer to Saint Águeda, patroness of patients with breast cancer

Saint Agatha, brave woman,
by your own suffering we have been driven
to ask for your prayers for those who suffer from breast cancer.

We put ( Name of individual ) ante ti
and we ask you to intercede on his behalf.

From where you are in the health of eternal life,
all wounds healed
And all the tears dried
pray for ( prayer intention ),
and for all of us.

Pray that God will give us His holy blessing of health and healing.
And we remember that you were a victim of torture
and what did you learn, first hand,
of the cruelty and inhumanity of men.

We ask you to pray for our entire world.
Pray to God to enlighten us
with a “genius for peace and understanding.”

Ask him to send us his spirit of serenity
and help us share
that peace with everyone we meet.

From what you learned
of your own path of pain,
ask God to give us the grace we need
to remain holy in difficulties,
without allowing our anger
or our bitterness overtakes us.

Pray that we will be more peaceful and more charitable.
And from your holy step in our mystical body, the Church,
pray that, in our place and time, we believe together
a world of justice and peace.


Saint Águeda, patron saint of those who suffer from breast cancer, pray for us!

[Ver: “Ella está aquí”, la experiencia de un exorcismo que te convencerá de consagrarte a la Virgen]

[Ver: “Estrella del Mar”: la razón por las que las almas del purgatorio llaman así a la Virgen María]



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