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Prayer for health and happiness on Maundy Thursday – text

How to read the prayer on Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, believers commemorate the last Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the apostles, when the Savior washed the feet of his disciples and showed an example of brotherly love and humility.

On the same day, the rite of the Eucharist was established – Holy Communion (when believers eat wine and bread, symbolizing the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ).

From Maundy Thursday until Sunday – Easter – in all Orthodox churches, church services are dedicated to memories of the earthly suffering of the Savior.

At this time, believers visit churches for worship, and also pray at home (prayer for Maundy Thursday can be both general and individual, depending on conditions and opportunities).

It is believed that the prayer read on Easter Thursday has special power. It should be read with lit church candles and with all your heart – wanting to completely change yourself and your destiny.

Text of prayer for Maundy Thursday

To cleanse oneself from filth and fill the soul and body with blessing, during prayer on Maundy Thursday it is customary to symbolically wash oneself with water, saying the following words:

Just as confession cleanses, just as water washes away dirt, so you, Thursday, be clean.

Cleanse me, servant of God, from all evil, from insult, from disobedience, from others’ blasphemy, from bad rumors, from evil conversations, from vain disputes in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Some believe that it is best to pray at the Last Supper icon on Maundy Thursday and ask for forgiveness of sins. This special prayer will help with this:

In the Supper of Your mystery now, Son of God, accept me as a partaker, for I will not tell Your secrets to Your enemies and I will not give You a kiss, like Judas, but like a thief, I confess to You: Remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom.

But the communion of Your Holy Mysteries will not be for judgment or condemnation for me, Lord, but for the healing of soul and body.


In addition, we bring to your attention the prayer for Holy Thursday, published in the prayer book of 1887. She will tell you exactly what to ask for and what to thank God for on the eve of Easter.

Because mine!

How great is Your love for people, You loved us to death!

You suffered so much because of us and for us on earth, but when the hour came to depart for the glory of Your Father, You wanted to stay among us and under the mysterious image of bread You gave us Your Most Holy Body and Blood, so that it would quench our longing and thirst .

O my dear Jesus! I kneel before You with gratitude and, worshiping Your kindness, I beg You to grant my heart the ability to accept this angelic bread!

Help me to deserve the happiness of participating in this holy supper to which You have called Your disciples, and teach me to imitate this love and humility of which You have given us such a great example.

Jesus, bowing at the feet of the apostles, protect my soul from all arrogance and pride; stifle in me any desire to seek primacy among people.

May the memory of Your humiliation erase from my heart the erroneous notion of my superiority over others and may it motivate me to serve not only my parents, whom I must serve with love and respect, but also everyone who needs my service.

Do not allow me, my Jesus, to depart from the poor and neglect those whose feet You have washed today in the face of Your disciples; but allow me to appear before people with such a meek and humble heart, so that no one hesitates to knock on him, and everyone runs to him with confidence, and I myself, so that I will not be afraid of any humiliation when in Your name this is required from me.

Oh my God! Remember me the way You thought about Your disciples when You taught them at this dinner how they should live among people in the world after You left them.

Also pour courage into my heart in difficult life circumstances and in overcoming all evil impulses and vices that manifest themselves in me, give me patience to endure with calmness and peace everything that You allow me or my loved ones to endure; strengthen in me boundless trust in Your parental protection; let me strive for Your Most Holy Body and Blood throughout my life, and do not deny me this Bread of Life in my last hour, so that, nourished by it, I may enjoy the fulfillment of Your vows, my Jesus.

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