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Pram with baby in it ends up in the water

A baby less than a year old ended up in the water of the Radioplassen in Stevensbeek on Friday afternoon. According to bystanders, the car was pulled into the water by a dog, but that is not true according to the child’s mother. She says she tripped, lost her balance and let go of the pram. The buggy then rolled into the water.

The mother quickly got up and ran after it to save her child from the water. She was on time and only the back of the child got wet. A doctor from the trauma helicopter that was called then sat down with the child in a fire truck to keep the child warm until the ambulance arrived.

The child has been taken care of and has been given dry clothes. The mother, who was also completely wet, was taken home by ambulance with her child. “He was already laughing in the ambulance,” says the woman. “Everything is going well, it was a bit of a shock.”

Photo: Saskia Kusters/SQ Vision
Photo: Saskia Kusters/SQ Vision

Photo: Saskia Kusters/SQ Vision
Photo: Saskia Kusters/SQ Vision

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