The central bank has started a series of interest rate cuts, gradually lowering mortgage rates, and sellers of new and old apartments are on a new Eldorado. Although it may not come immediately, it certainly rules out discounts.
The demand for apartments for purchase may slightly ease the rental market from those who are moving out, and with the trend of expensive mortgages, as well as people who were waiting for apartments to become cheaper. A decrease in the number of interested parties would lead to less pressure on rental price increases.
However, it is questionable whether the shift from renting to homeownership will be so significant that it will visibly reduce the demand for rentals. Vacant spaces are being filled by refugees from Ukraine and new arrivals to the capital. Relying on rental discounts would therefore be somewhat premature.
There will also be no impact on rents this year from regulations, as the ministries of justice and local development are still fine-tuning how the rights of contractual relationships between landlords and tenants should look. The affordable housing law, which is expected to take its final form this year, does not yet affect commercial relationships. The same goes for support for construction using funds from the European Recovery Fund. This means that there is no expectation of pressure to reduce rents.
Despite all this, there is some good news to be found: the inflation clause (which everyone included in contracts at the latest with high inflation) will not have such an impact this year due to the sharp decrease in the dynamics of price growth as it did two years ago. However, it is not certain how rents will develop for owners who offer short-term contracts – those with a validity of one year or even less. There is no need for an inflation clause here, just as there is no regulation of rents. On the one hand, it can be expected that they will try to fill the gaps caused by losses due to COVID and inflation. On the other hand, they cannot significantly deviate from the market average – there is not such a surplus of demand over supply even in the capital.
A double-digit increase in rents is not expected this year, just as homeownership will continue to be significantly more expensive than renting. However, further improvement in affordability, i.e. a decrease in rental prices, cannot be expected either. With the end of wild inflation and a decrease in interest rates, the world is gradually returning to normal. And with that, to the usual operation of rental housing.o vede k nárůstu poptávky po koupi nemovitostí. Centrální banka snížila úrokové sazby, což vede ke snižování hypoték a zvyšuje atraktivitu vlastnického bydlení. Tento trend však nemusí okamžitě přinést slevy.
Poptávka po koupi nemovitostí může trochu ulevit trhu s pronájmy, protože lidé, kteří čekali na snížení cen bytů, teď mohou začít kupovat. To by mohlo vést k menšímu tlaku na růst nájmů. Přesun od pronájmu k vlastnictví však pravděpodobně nebude tak velký, aby výrazně snížil poptávku po pronájmech.
Navíc se očekává, že regulace nájmů a zákon o dostupném bydlení nebudou mít letos výrazný vliv na trh s pronájmy. Inflace by však neměla letos představovat takový problém jako před pár lety. Nicméně není jisté, jak se budou vyvíjet nájmy u majitelů, kteří nabízejí krátkodobé smlouvy.
Celkově se očekává, že nájmy letos prudce nevzrostou a vlastnické bydlení bude stále dražší než pronájem. S koncem inflace a poklesem úrokových sazeb se trh s pronájmy postupně vrací do normálu.ěší. Druhou vlivnou promnnou je pak vvoj ekonomiky a situace na trhu prce. Pokud se bude ekonomika dle rozvjet, me to znamenat rst poptvky po bydlen a tedy i rst cen. Naopak pokud by se ekonomika zasekla, mohlo by dojt k poklesu cen.
Posledn faktor, kter by mohl mt vliv na ceny bydlen, je vvoj v oblasti regulace trhu. Vlka se toti chyst na zmnch v oblasti regulace njmu. V souasn dob se toti njemnky a majitel byt nachzej v nerovnovze. Zatmco njemnky se stle stlej, majitel byt maj problm s tmi, kte neplat njemn. Vlka by mla zmnit pravidla tak, aby byt mohli majitel rychleji zbavit njemce, kte neplat njemn. To by mohlo mt vliv na ceny bydlen, protoe by se mohlo stt, e byt budou moci majitel rychleji a snadnji prodat, co by mohlo vst ceny dol.