Home » today » News » Prague wants a circuit in the northeast underground. The state will have the final say – ČT24 – Czech Television

Prague wants a circuit in the northeast underground. The state will have the final say – ČT24 – Czech Television

The recessed variant of the north-eastern part of the Prague Ring Road envisages that cars will go underground wherever possible. It should be a recess eight meters below the surface on average.

“The preferred tunnel variant received a positive evaluation from the ŘSD from an economic point of view, at the same time it has a minimal negative impact on the citizens living in its vicinity. We will continue to cooperate with ŘSD so that the construction of the circuit can be carried out as quickly as possible and at the same time damage the affected areas as little as possible, “said Adam Scheinherr, Prague’s deputy mayor for transport (Prague himself).

However, the ŘSD has two more variants of what the 520 Březiněves – Satalice building might look like in the end. They do not differ significantly in route. The basic version provides for the usual guidance on the surface. On the contrary, in addition to the excavation, the last variant also proposes the creation of three excavated tunnels with a total length of over three and a half kilometers.

The Prague ring road should be 83 kilometers long when completed. About half of it is finished so far, but it is two isolated sections. To the west and south of Prague you drive along the circuit between Ruzina and Modletice, in the east the metropolis from Běchovice to Satalice. The Modletice – Běchovice section on the south-eastern edge of Prague and the northern part of the Prague ring road from Ruzyně via Suchdol and Březiněves to Satalice are missing. The Directorate of Roads and Motorways is currently counting on the commissioning of all sections in the north of Prague between 2028 and 2029. The south-eastern part of the ring road could be completed in 2025.

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