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Prague is the only one growing. It behaves exactly like last summer, says Dušek

In terms of the number of confirmed cases in the last week per 100,000 inhabitants, the metropolis is now the worst region in the Czech Republic.

“It is probably not the case that we would draw any fundamental conclusions from it now, but it is necessary to mention it,” Vojtěch told deputies.

Although there are still “only” dozens of newly detected cases per day, the deterioration is evident. While between the first and second weeks of June, the decline was almost 40 percent, a week later it was an extra 27 percent.

The number R is above number one in Prague

Prague is now the worst region in the Czech Republic. In mid-June, the metropolis had 12 confirmed cases in the last week per 100,000 inhabitants, now there are 17 cases.

All other regions now have less than 10 cases in this statistic, the second worst is the Liberec and South Bohemian regions (9 cases), while the Karlovy Vary region is clearly the best (0.7). The national average is 7 cases.

The reproduction number, ie the average number of others infected from one who tested positive, is estimated at about 1.22 in Prague.

Dušek: It’s a little déjà vu

“The younger years are mainly responsible for the increase in Prague,” said the head of ÚZIS Dušek.

In the group of 16 to 19 years of age, the incidence per 100,000 inhabitants in Prague is 31.5 and in the whole Czech Republic 12.9, in the older group of 20 to 29 years it is 59.9 in Prague and 15.6 in the whole country.

“It’s a little déjà vu. This is exactly how Prague behaved last summer, “said Dušek.

“Everyone has a first-rate interpretation that a large number of bars have opened in Prague and people become infected there. It may be true, but I can’t confirm it at the moment, “he added.

Last year, Prague was several times the worst region, but experts warned that capitals all over the world have more cases than other areas, even in the face of a decline.

According to Dušek, the long-term viral load is declining in all regions. Many districts capture units of positive cases daily. According to him, another sharp decline cannot be expected because the values ​​are very low. In the short term, the reproduction number may also increase in the regions.

“Let’s prepare for the virus not to disappear, it will remain in the population, so we will see some outbreaks and local infections over the summer. We just need to monitor it so that we do not have a potential problem of uncontrolled spread of the disease somewhere by the autumn, “he added.

In the metropolis with 1.3 million inhabitants, hygienists recorded 35 new cases of the infection on Tuesday (36 a week earlier), 31 on Monday (19 a week earlier), but there were 52 of them on Thursday last week (27 a week earlier).

News has already warned of the end of the trend of declining numbers in Prague. The head of Prague hygienists, Zdeňka Jágrová, stated that it was not related to any single source of infection.

“Prague is simply specific, it has a lot of contacts, great mobility with people. So it cannot be assumed that there will be such a decline as in other regions, “she said, adding that such a situation will last all summer.

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