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Prabowo-Gibran Promises Salary Increase and THR for Teachers in Indonesia


Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP Advisory Board, Hashim Djojohadikusumo said the candidate pairs Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka will increase the teacher’s salary by IDR 2 million per month every year if he wins. Not only that, Prabowo-Gibran also promised to provide holiday allowances (THR) for teachers, including honorary teachers in Indonesia.

“Please convey to all teachers in Indonesia, Prabowo-Gibran will increase their salary by IDR 2 million per month for 13 months every year including THR. “It will be given to teachers, including honorary teachers throughout Indonesia,” said Hashim to journalists in Tapos, Depok, West Java (Jabar), Sunday (29/10/2023).

Hashim said Prabowo would not break his promise regarding this matter. He believes that Prabowo will not lie to the people regarding the promises he made.

“Please note that today Prabowo has never broken a promise, people say that is Prabowo’s weakness, Prabowo is not good at lying. People say Mas Bowo should lie a little, Prabowo never wants to lie, brothers and sisters, let alone the Indonesian people,” he stressed.

“Please note, ladies and gentlemen, teachers in Depok, Prabowo-Gibran “It will increase your salary by two million rupiah per month, that’s just the start,” he added.

Hashim said his party had been studying this salary increase for years. He believes that Indonesia is able to provide this additional salary.

“Brothers and sisters, there are those who ask, ‘Mr Hashim, where does the money come from? Can Indonesia afford it? It’s impossible’. I said I have studied personally with the team for years and months and it turns out the money is there and will be there. For food free and for additional salary in Indonesia,” he explained.

Hashim said that if he wins, Prabowo will also provide honorariums for Islamic boarding school teachers in Indonesia. According to him, this will be realized considering that Indonesia is a very rich country.

“From Aceh to Papua, including teachers in Depok, ladies and gentlemen, we will also provide honorariums for teachers from Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. There are hundreds of thousands of teachers in Indonesian Islamic boarding schools. There are and will be funds. Indonesia is a very rich country. “The data shows and there is evidence that Indonesia is a very rich country,” he said.

Hashim explained that now Prabowo and Gibran’s mission is to perfect President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) program. Prabowo and Gibran, he said, want to continue providing welfare for all Indonesian people.

“And now Prabowo Gibran’s mission is to perfect Pak Jokowi’s program so that we can work on welfare for all Indonesian people. Practice the fifth principle of Pancasila. Do you still memorize it? What is the fifth principle? Social justice for all Indonesian people,” concluded Hashim.


2023-10-29 07:09:07

#PrabowoGibran #Promise #Increase #Teacher #Salaries #IDR #Million #Month

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