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PPKM Repealed, these are the latest Prokes regulations by Masker-PeduliLindungi


On Friday (30/12/2022) President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially lifted the Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) enforcement. This policy follows the COVID-19 situation in Indonesia which is considered to be under control.

Along with this resolution, a number of regulations have also undergone adjustments. Namely regarding the rules for wearing masks, crowds and mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, President Jokowi stressed that the state of the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended. The reason is that the disease is still present and the risk of spikes still needs to be watched. The determination and lifting of the pandemic status is also the responsibility of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The rules relating to the efforts to prevent COVID-19 after the revocation of the PPKM are regulated in the Instruction of the Minister of the Interior (Irmendagri) n. 53 of 2022 relating to the prevention and control of CORONA 2019 virus disease during the transition period to endemic. These rules are in the form of:

1. Use of masks

After the revocation of the PPKM, the masks must still be worn correctly, especially in the following 4 conditions:

  • In crowds and crowds of community activities
  • Inside closed and cramped buildings/rooms, even on public transport
  • When a person experiences symptoms of a respiratory illness (coughing, runny nose and/or sneezing)
  • When you are in close contact with or are confirmed to have COVID-19

2. Wash your hands

The recommendation to always wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer remains valid.

3. CareProtect

The PeduliLindungi application is still used for accessing and using public facilities, even for domestic travelers who will be using public transport.

4. Tests

The community is still encouraged to get exams or tests if they have symptoms. Likewise if you are in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

5. Vaccination

Vaccination, especially boosters, is still recommended even though COVID-19 is now relatively under control. So far, vaccinations are still available free of charge according to current regulations.

NEXT: Epidemiologist highlights on PPKM revocation

Watch a videoIDI expert: I agree that PPKM is abolished
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