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PP-A accuses Sánchez of “rewriting the historical past” of the ERE

The final secretary of the PP-A, Antonio Repullo, stated this Thursday that the president of the Authorities, Pedro Sánchez, “desires to rewrite historical past” the case of the false employment administration information (ERE) of Andalusia “with a sort of secret amnesty .

Statements within the Andalusian Parliament

The ‘quantity two’ of the Andalusian PP makes these statements within the Andalusian Parliament after the choice of the Full Session of the Constitutional Court docket (TC) to partially help the enchantment for the safety of the previous socialist Minister of Finance, Magdalena Álvarez, contested her sentence of 9 years of disqualification on account of prejudice within the case of the ERE.

Within the coming weeks, the TC will study the amparo appeals of different criminals within the “political piece” of the case, together with the previous socialist presidents of the Junta Manuel Chaves and José Antonio Griñán.

Repullo emphasizes that “we can not erase the historical past of Andalusia”, and that, based on him, is what the PSOE led by Pedro Sánchez intends. Bear in mind “we can not neglect what occurred in Andalusia in the course of the years of socialist authorities with the problem of the ERE.”

The Normal Secretary criticizes “that they now wish to whitewash, rewrite Historical past” and divulges that within the case of the ERE “they left” and “stole 680 million euros” Andalusian unemployed folks wanted it in the course of the worst of the financial disaster. He defends the necessity to “hold remembering duties.”

Lastly, Repullo emphasizes that “Andalusians don’t forget” and “we aren’t going to let historical past be rewritten”, as he believes that Pedro Sánchez is attempting to do with Catalonia and with the case of ERE of Andalusia “with a sort of hidden amnesty.”

He ends by saying that “Andalusian Pedro Sánchez or María Jesús Montero would not have to reward these criticized by the ERE”, however as a substitute “a good funding system” to compete on phrases equal to different autonomous communities.

2024-06-27 15:35:52
#PPA #accuses #Sánchez #rewriting #historical past #ERE

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