Home » today » News » Poznan. “A lot of cash” was found in the street. The police are looking for the owner

Poznan. “A lot of cash” was found in the street. The police are looking for the owner

Police in Poznań are looking for a person who lost “a lot of cash” in the vicinity of Poznań last Friday. The owner of the money can report in person or by phone to the municipal headquarters. Officers are waiting for a report and warn: we have a control question for crooks.

Last Friday, a man reported to one of the police stations that he had found “a lot of cash” on a street near Poznań. And that’s all there is to know. The police do not say where exactly the 39-year-old found the lost, how much money there is, in what denominations and whether it was wrapped in some way.

A spokesman for the Greater Poland police informed about an unusual case on Twitter.


“Someone lost a lot of cash near Poznań, someone found it and brought it to us. As if what, we are waiting for a personal contact or by calling 47 77 156 12. We have a control question for crooks, so it’s better to stay at home” – wrote Andrzej on Twitter Borowiak, spokesman for the Greater Poland Police.

– For several days now, officers from the police station near Poznań have been dealing with the case. Officers talked to the man about the circumstances of the cash finding. All this information will help us verify the person who we either find or who will report himself and say that he is the owner – told TVN24 Young Inspector. Andrzej Borowiak, spokesman for the Greater Poland Police.

So far, no one has reported to the Municipal Police Headquarters in Poznań.

They are also looking in Sopot

What if no one comes forward? Such situations have happened before. – This type of case is not the first we deal with. In March 2017, in March, a very large amount of money was also found in one of the estates. Unfortunately, the owner has not been found until today – says Borowiak.

It is similar in the Tri-City. Less than a month ago, the police in Sopot were looking for the owner of the cash. And these activities are still ongoing. Several dozen people have already reported to the officers, but none of them has been able to indicate exactly how much money is and how it was packed.

“A tourist found money on the pavement.” Who do they belong to? >>>

photo-source">Main photo source: Shutterstock

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