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PowNed | 28/9 Pesticides and Parkinson’s

Because we produce food on a large scale, pesticides are used to prevent insects, fungi and other diseases from ending up in our fruit and vegetables. As a side effect, these have been shown to be toxic not only to insects, but also to humans. Neurologist Bas Bloem sees the number of Parkinson’s patients increasing and sounds the alarm. According to him, the evidence is clear: there is a relationship between the use of pesticides and Parkinson’s.

In the Netherlands, the Board for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) decides which pesticides may be used in the Netherlands. There is criticism of this body, because the use of variants of now banned pesticides is still allowed. The Ctgb is supervised by dem. Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Carola Schouten. It could intervene on the basis of the precautionary principle and also prohibit the use of these toxic variants.

Why is The Hague not taking action and banning the use of toxic pesticides?

Tonight at 10:10 pm at PowNed on NPO 2: De Hofbar!

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