A lot of toys these days are actually aimed at an adult audience. Take a look at the very expensive LEGO sets you can buy and you’ll see what we mean. But it’s not just LEGO that’s targeting consumers with a lot of spare income, as we’ve found some incredibly powerful water guns designed for adult use.
Whether you’re looking to step up your water fight game or just want to blow up that annoying neighbor who keeps taking up your parking space on the street, these blasters have you covered. Spyra’s newest water gun, for example, fires shotgun-sized water bombs at targets 50 feet away and automatically reloads when the battery runs low. The tactical display makes it look like a halo gun, you won’t be at a tactical disadvantage on this bad boy.
Similar to the SpyraThree, Xiaomi’s Mijia Pulse can also blow up your enemies from a great distance, but it offers a sleeker, more futuristic design with LED lights that follow the water in the gun until it flies out.
view here SpyraThree check here Mijia Pulse and thanks to Wired。
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