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Power Song Evening liepajniekiem.lv


An evening of power songs

2022-06-06, 18:00
Roman Garden Gallery

On Monday, June 6, at 6 pm, after a long break, there will be an evening of Power Songs or singing in Latvian folk songs together with Austrasbērns. This time not in “Namīna”, but in the art gallery “Romas dārzs” in the Berči hall (Liepāja, Zivju Street 3). Every visitor will have access to lyrics for singing and chords for playing.

At the same time, there will also be an opportunity to learn more about guitar lessons for beginners in the Austra Room. The leader of the lessons, Inese Muižniece, invites those interested – young people and adults – to learn the basics of playing the guitar, learning to play Latvian folk songs and eventually joining the informal ensemble of Austrasbērni. In the evening of the song of strength, there will be an opportunity to get to know the repertoire to be acquired gradually. Classes are scheduled in group format once a week on weekdays (Mondays) and once a month on Saturdays.

Entrance for donations.

Austra Society

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