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Power Patch provides musical instruments and art equipment. Let the prison Bang Kwang

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Asked about today’s work?
“Today’s work started from where I went to an event. He has activities for me to sing and play acoustic music. And then asked me to paint the watercolors for auction Bring income to charity In the event organizer, he said that Pat will spend any money to do anything. As you see fit At first I still couldn’t imagine. The first glance that I think is that it should come to help your friends. We at Bang Kwang

Because from the fact that we are inside We know the shortage of equipment to do activities. Including music activities, art activities and books Due to the large number of inmates And the equipment provided by the prison was insufficient. Therefore, the money in the auction for the watercolor painting is approximately 30,000 baht and there is also the part of the fan club together to transfer the money to Here is another number, the total is approximately 57,000 baht, and there are also parts of the way that fans have sent after them, such as guitars, stand, notes, books, small details to share in making merit this time And there are a few more personal items for me, the total value should be almost a hundred thousand baht.

I am not looking at value here as money. What I am happy about is each item so that I can know what he lacks. Because I am one of those people who had experienced internal problems before. When there is a shortage of equipment I would then be able to buy exactly what he wants what he wants. And every piece I choose by myself If not by yourself, it will order online.

Every piece will be collected last week. And there are also items that fans have sent to join as well. I also made paper books through the prison staff. Until the commander approves Until have come together today I am very happy to accomplish this activity. It’s not just me It’s all about the charitable work of all the fans, the event organizers. Would have to raise appreciation for the people who participated in this event as well. “

The picture on that day at the auction is one picture?
“One picture is a koi fish painted in watercolors. I didn’t think much. Not sure how much you will get Just go to the event. And he said that we will bring the money here for us to make merit I do not have a estimate. Acquiring a little more, taking it to make merit is a good thing anyway. I am happy to join this event. “

Having entered one more time, how are you?
“With all the officers who know each other, the brothers and sisters, the inmates who are rescuers come to help carry things Met in coffee shops or around Well known Most of the people outside will be the ones who are close to punishment. Not more than a year or more Encouraged him to say Our day is near. Make it good and come out to meet and greet each other.

The commander of the Bang Kwang Central Prison, Dr. Montree Bunnag, has been with me since I entered the prison on the first day of the Central Prison. Until he moved his position continuously In the end, he met me again as the commander of the Bang Kwang Central Prison. It came to the last day that I released. It is also surprising that there may be fate and some happiness.

Back again as a giver Inspirer Who came to help, friends and children in here, it is another role that is like a dream picture I had been determined since I was inside that one day I had a chance. And can have the potential to find equipment to do activities for friends inside, I will come back. “

Want to go back and play music with friends?
“I want But now there is COVID-19. I have had many projects since ago. Including those of the Go Boy Talked roughly That if there is an opportunity, then come out and do it Including various activities I will have more projects. Going into the future with fellow inmates Not only here I want to do it all over the country. I would like to do something to benefit my fellow inmates. Create hope Encourage him to continue to do good. “

What do you most want to do about inmates?
“Of course, I would like to go in and play music with him to bring happiness and encouragement to various ideas. There may be things in the future. Because the people inside have a lot of music composing abilities Maybe there is a project? Maybe it’s a sound project behind a wall Inmates’ songwriting Produce by ourselves Make music Is a picture coming out to the outside society to know the ability of the inmates within It tells the story of the feelings. Of inmates The media came to the outside society “

How far is this project progress?
“Only in my head It’s a plan for the future. Maybe after a bit. Maybe after a power patch Now the work is to divide many parts, very little time, I want to do it anyway. “

How important is it to play music with the people inside?
“It is very important that this story I have experienced myself. Serving the sentence in prison It’s not a comforting thing. Every day and every time is waiting. And live in suffering Using music or art in mental therapy can be of great help. It is a good time killing activity. Soften the mind Make him know the value of him

Because each piece takes time And painstaking, such as drawing can take 1 to 2 weeks or even months These are things that build patience. When the work is completed, he will be proud and appreciate himself. Can be like a goal in life Like when i was inside May not be able to see the future when it will come out At least creating art or music practice It gives us goals for daily life. See progress Own development Living life with value “

What we do today Will be able to inspire the people inside, right?
“Of course, aside from the availability of more equipment than ever before in order to train Or doing various activities He should see society today as a new society, giving people an opportunity if we show our sincerity in our conversion. Commitment to doing good, honesty, not taking advantage of society I think Thai people are kind and open to everyone. “

Became famous again Why do you want to come back to help society?
“That I chose to help Because of my own reputation or things That I received today I didn’t feel puffed up or excited about it. Because the past life has reached the highest and lowest point that we look at life and things. It’s a matter that is insecure and enduring. I choose to stick to doing good. Doing more for the society

I believe that this will be stable, sustainable and beneficial to society. Forward encouragement Feeling good about other people this makes me happy. So I chose to come back and do something nice. There are still many projects I have in mind. To give back to society Because part of the way I can stand back in society as today Because society gave me the opportunity So I want to make our country Our society is better. Happier “

Is there an agency to contact us as an intermediary?
Recently, I recently went to the NACC (Office of the Narcotics Control Commission) to record a clip to educate and reminding youth about drugs. And there are many more and many departments to go in the future There are both private and government. There will be a matter of charitable activities “

Parents, how do you say we get a new life?
“You are very proud. And relatives are also part of the background in finding musical instruments. Because I can’t order online (laughs), something that we can’t buy by ourselves. We couldn’t do it, the family ordered it. “

A lot of work comes in How is the ordination plan placed?
“Be happy. A lot of work comes in The ordination ceremony certainly does not give up. It was what was originally intended. Would have to wait for the COVID lighter first Just imagine that day Personally, I have a lot of relatives, who would like to go, not including my friends, brothers and sisters and fans. Must think carefully But it was what was originally intended Will definitely not change As expected, it should be ordained for about 2 weeks or 15 days. “

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