Due to a power outage, around 500 families in Zaventem are without electricity. The airport is safe. Train traffic between Brussels and Leuven has also come to a complete standstill.
Source: BELGA
Today at 3:39 PM
Since 3 p.m., part of the municipality of Zaventem has been without power due to a cable defect, regional spokesperson for Fluvius Stijn Faelens confirmed. “Brussels Airport is not affected because the airport is located in another part of the municipality.”
According to an estimate by Fluvius, around 500 families have been affected by the power outage. “We are trying to restore power to affected customers via another route as quickly as possible. We cannot yet say when the disruption will be resolved.”
There is also currently disruption on the railways. All electricity stations along the tracks between Brussels and Leuven have lost power, which means that the power outage is probably “a higher-level problem”, at the supplier. “The line between Brussels and Leuven in particular is currently being hit by a power outage. There is also disruption towards the airport. Trains can go from Brussels to Leuven, but not in the opposite direction. Four trains were stopped near Nossegem and Zaventem due to the breakdown,” said Infrabel spokesperson Thomas Baeken.
The train between Brussels South and Amsterdam has now been able to depart again. The trains from Leuven to Nivelles, from Eupen to Ostend and from Leuven to ‘s-Gravenbrakel are still standing still. “Our technical staff is on site and trying to resolve the problem.”
2024-02-10 14:39:02
#families #power #due #breakdown #Zaventem #train #traffic #Brussels #Leuven #interrupted