Home » World » Power Bank burns in the cabin of the flight to Singapore, 2 people injured

Power Bank burns in the cabin of the flight to Singapore, 2 people injured


An alarming incident has occurred on an airplane flight Shove up the Taiwan-Singapore route on Tuesday (10/1) local time. A energy accumulator carried by one of the passengers caught fire in the aircraft cabin, causing at least two passengers to be injured.

As reported Asia News ChannelOn Wednesday (11/1/2023), this incident occurred when the aircraft belonged to the airline Singapore was about to take off from Taoyuan Airport in Taipei, TaiwanTuesday (10/1) local time.

“A Scoot aircraft with flight number TR993, which was operating from Taipei to Singapore on January 10, returned to the gate after a customer’s rechargeable power bank crashed. overheated while the plane is on the ground,” Scoot said in a statement.

The unspecified type of aircraft then returned to the gate.

In a statement, Scoot explained that a passenger who owned the power bank and another passenger who happened to be his companion suffered “minor burns on their fingers”. Medical assistance was provided to both.

“We are rescheduling flights and will provide room and board for affected passengers,” Scoot said in a statement.

Local media reports said the Scoot airline’s plane was taxiing on the ground in preparation for takeoff from Taipei’s Taoyuan Airport when airport authorities received reports of a fire in the cabin at around 7:40 pm local time.

Firefighters were dispatched by airport authorities and the aircraft was allowed to return to the gate after the fire was extinguished.

Read more on the next page.

See also the video: Here is a list of interesting events in Singapore for you!

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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