Home » today » Entertainment » Povia “positive at Covid”. And he cannot participate in the No Green Pass- Corriere.it event

Povia “positive at Covid”. And he cannot participate in the No Green Pass- Corriere.it event

from Entertainment editing

The singer was expected in the Ligurian capital, but was hit by the virus. Several times in the past he took sides against the vaccine, equating it with a serum

He has always shown positions close to the no vax, then becoming the standard-bearer of movimento No Green Pass, but, in the end, he too took Covid: as reported by various Genoese information sites the singer Giuseppe Povia he should have participated in a demonstration against the green pass in the Ligurian capital but he gave up by sending a message to the organizers: I am positive with a low charge, I’m fine, later confirmed by the organizers themselves: We heard him, he wasn’t in great shape but we’re calm.

The serum

The singer had declared in the past: At the moment this anti-Covid serum is not even dead and the reasons are many: it does not immunize, you can infect and be infected and if you get infected it is not true that you cannot have very serious or extreme effects and more times performed at no Green Pass rallies, equating the anticovid legislation with the anti-Semitic one during the Nazis. This time it didn’t go well.


December 12, 2021 (change December 12, 2021 | 13:30)

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