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Potato peels, healthier than you thought

Potato, one of the most consumed vegetables, contains vitamins such as B1, B2, B3 or B6, and the amount of vitamin C contained is four times higher than that of apples or pears. From a therapeutic point of view, the most important part of them is the shell, ie the part that is usually thrown away.

Potato peel has colors from brown to red, yellow or even dark purple and contains pigments (flavonoids) with antioxidant and antitumor action, B-complex vitamins, dietary fiber, phenolic compounds with a regulating effect on cardiac activity.

The American geneticist Roy Navarre, from the “Agricultural Research Service”, a research center specialized, among others, in detecting the active principles in plants, discovered no less than 60 therapeutically active substances in the potato peel, writes


Potato juice treatment lowers blood pressure, prevents high blood pressure and has beneficial effects in treating gastritis and gastric ulcer. Potato juice is obtained from the use of potato peeled after removing soil, impurities and green parts (the green color of the peel indicates a high level of toxicity) consumed immediately to avoid oxidation. It can be used in combination with apple or carrot juice for better taste.

The decoction of the peels is obtained by boiling them for 10 minutes. The resulting preparation is consumed on an empty stomach, after filtration, having antirheumatic, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, remineralizing effects. The remaining shells are applied, in the form of a warm poultice, on the joints affected by rheumatism, on eczema, on the wounds that are difficult to heal.

For the poultice with potato peels can be used green potato peel, which usually occurs on tubers, which have grown on the surface of the soil, and which used externally has antiviral, antibacterial, parasitic fungus and insect control.

In the diet, this green part of the potato is very toxic containing the so-called glycalo-alkaloids, substances with harmful effects on the human nervous and endocrine system. Causes intestinal upset, vomiting, abdominal and headache, circulatory or respiratory problems.

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