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Posyandu transforms, stunting is expected to be quickly resolved

Posyandu can prevent children from being exposed to various risk factors stunting through the programs held, said Yudhistira.

Therefore, BKKBN together with the Ministry of Health, IBI, and the PKK Mobilization Team will form a Family Assistance Team consisting of Midwives, PKK Cadres and KB Cadres to provide assistance to families by identifying risk factors stunting and provide communication, information, education, and facilitation services to attend health services including posyandu for stunting risk prevention.

The Ministry of Health and the BKKBN have partnered for a long time in posyandu activities.

“Of course, today, we BKKBN really support the existence of rebranding Posyandu for a better purpose, wider service coverage, and Posyandu activity implementers who are more skilled and more knowledgeable about the challenges of creating a healthy society in the current era,” said Yudhistira.

In the SIGA data for 2021, the BKKBN noted that there were 18,926 Holistic Integrative BKBs integrated with posyandu and PAUD, while there were 61,128 BKB integrated with psoyandu alone.

The combination of posyandu rebranding and the availability of trained, educated human resources is expected to bring good progress for the Indonesian nation in the future.

“To support this new pattern of Posyandu, the BKKBN with our Family Planning Extension Officers / Family Planning Field Officers are 23,000 and we have 1.2 million IMP Cadres as movers who have the function of educators and catalysts for families to choose awareness to check their health regularly in health services. integrated like this Posyandu,” he said.

Going to era society 5.0, Posyandu began to adapt to the current character of society or family. Through Permendagri No.18 of 2018, Posyandu was changed its position as LKD, Permendagri No. 18/2018 concerning Village Community Institutions (LKD) and Traditional Institutions (LA), is very good because it raises the status of posyandu to village community institutions (LKD) that function as partners villages, namely health service providers, empowering communities, and planning health activities at the village level.

This change has consequences for its organizational arrangements, institutional management arrangements, and also includes funding. Posyandu in this situation must improve, especially in terms of recording, reporting, payment of incentives, and mechanisms in the community.

SIP consists of at least six types of registers. And providing adequate incentives for its cadres. The BKKBN will help with a common understanding of the existence of an active Posyandu because it has become an indicator in the 2019-2024 RPJMN.

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