Welcome, solidarity, integration and friendship. These are the key words at the heart of the synergic and supportive action of welcoming, supporting, integrating and inserting into the world of work of the children and families hosted in the reception centres in Postillionmanaged by the cooperative “Al Tuo Fianco”, of the Caritas of Diocese of Teggiano-Policastro and by its director, the priest and parish priest of Postiglione, Martin DePasqualewho yesterday, together with the bishop of the Diocese of Teggiano-Policastro, Monsignor Anthony DeLucain the parish of San Giorgio and San Nicola di Postiglione, they welcomed into the Christian community with the sacrament of baptism, three children hosted by the Caritas centers.

A moment of faith but also of friendship marked by the baptism of the children hosted in the reception centres which saw a united and involved community together with the pastoral workers, the institutions with the mayor Carmine Cennamo and the minor Ukrainian boys, fleeing the war, guests in these weeks of Caritas and on vacation in the charming Alburnian center of Postiglione. Sharing projects, prospects, hospitality and charity, this is the warning of Bishop De Luca who in his homily touched on the great themes that the Catholic Church and the Christian community are putting in place for the least. Words of faith and love those of Bishop De Luca, welcomed by the mayor Cennamo who thanked him for the commitment made together with the parish priest Don De Pasquale so much so as to make Postiglione the town and the home of social commitment for the growth of the community and peace in the world.
#Postiglione #baptism #children #reception #centers
– 2024-08-05 20:39:25