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Postepay, how to behave in case of problems and how to avoid them

Moments of fear for many PostePay customers who a few days ago reported various disruptions and malfunctions on payment systems. However, it is possible to defend oneself. That’s how.

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Many of our habits have changed over the past two years due to Covid, such as the way we communicate with others. A clear demonstration of this is the fact of how there has been an increasingly massive and widespread use of the various technological devices, such as smartphones and PCs. We are not just talking about phone calls and sending messages, but also about a real boom in the e-commerce world due to the fact that more and more people decide to use card to make the various payments. Among these is the paper Postepay, which allows you to transfer money quickly and easily.

Just dwelling on this card, many have experienced moments of fear, due to different disservices and malfunctions on payment systems which were found a few days ago. Many users, in fact, have reported the fact of encountering difficulties both in physical stores and on e-commerce sites. And also yesterday, Sunday 12 December, many users reported that they could not withdraw from ATMs: “withdrawal not available”. Fortunately, everything was resolved within a few hours, but the story did not go unnoticed, so much so as to lead many to wonder how to go about it. avoid problems in the future. So let’s go into the details and see everything there is to know about it.

Postepay, thrill for our money: what happened

Until gods occur problems we don’t notice it, yet technology plays an increasingly important and predominant role in everyday life. Starting from sending messages, passing through the use of social networks, up to the possibility of being able to carry out Online shoppingIn fact, there are so many occasions in which we rely on the various technological tools.

At the same time, as is well known, there are, unfortunately, possible drawbacks. Many know this well PostePay customers who on 27 November reported various inefficiencies and malfunctions on Downdetector on payment systems. In particular, PostePay would not have fulfilled its primary function for a few hours, that is to make purchases. In fact, many users have reported problems in making purchases with cards both at physical stores and on e-commerce platforms.

But not only that, some have also reported the impossibility of carrying out the charging of other prepaid. In the evening, however, the problems in question were overcome. Many have speculated about a hacker attack, but apparently this was not the case. It seems, in fact, that the short down period was only the consequence of a maintenance on the general server.

Small inconveniences, on the other hand, can happen every day and not always, fortunately, they are attacks by malicious people. In most cases, as well as what happened with Postepay, it is simply one temporary interruption of services, which is resolved in a short time.

Postepay, watch out for the dangers: the trap is around the corner

At the same time, you must never let your guard down, as the trap is always around the corner. While it is true that what happened on November 27 was simply one temporary interruption of serviceson the other hand it is good to remember that scammers are always in action.

Precisely in this area we told you some time ago about a scam against many Postepay card holders who found themselves having to deal with unauthorized charges. A clear demonstration of how we should never underestimate anything.

There are, in fact, different ways through which the bad guys try to extort money and sensitive data from the unfortunate person on duty. These include fakes sms the email, through which they invite the recipient of the communication to provide their card details, announcing, for example, the closure of the account, the fake shipment of a package or disservices of various kinds. Regardless of the type of text used, the purpose is only one, that is acquire the data relating to Postepay and thus being able to withdraw money without the knowledge of the victim.

Postepay, from scams to inefficiencies: here’s how to defend yourself

Like all payment instruments, even Postepay, therefore, can register small disruptions. Before getting alarmed, however, it is good to ascertain the reason behind this problem. As already mentioned, these are not always attacks by malicious people. As happened just a few days ago, in fact, it is possible that it is only momentary inefficiencies, due, for example, to extraordinary maintenance or simple downtime of the operating systems.

In the latter case, as it is easy to guess, we can do very little, except wait for the problem to be resolved upstream. If in doubt, however, we recommend contact the service center, so as to be able to obtain more information on the matter and make sure that it is a temporary disservice. The same goes for other problems encountered with your card. It is good to remember, in this context, that on the Poste Italiane website there are several telephone numbers that you can contact, in order to have assistance according to your problem.

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At the same time, you must never let your guard down and stay beware of various scam attempts. Precisely for this reason, before shopping online, it is good to make sure that it is a safe site, otherwise it is better to avoid. But not only that, you don’t have to never click on suspicious links, sent for example by e-mail or text message, in order to avoid possible inconveniences. In fact, it is sufficient to pay attention to small simple precautions to be able to use payment cards and take advantage of the various possibilities that the latter offer us, avoiding running into problems of various kinds.

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