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Postepay Evolution, the annual fee has gone from 10 euros to 12 euros

An unfortunate surprise under the tree for many Poste Italiane customers who find themselves having to deal with the application of a tax, the amount of which is directly deducted from the account.

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Many of our habits, thanks to the impact of Covid, have changed. A clear demonstration of this is the increasingly massive use of various technological devices, such as smartphones and computers, which offer us the possibility of communicating at any time with friends, family and companies even very distant from us. But not only that, also the way to do it shopping seems destined to undergo further changes, so much so that many people prefer to use electronic payment instruments, rather than cash.

More and more people, in fact, decide to use card to make the various payments. This obviously includes paper Postepay, which turns out to be among the most used and appreciated, as it offers the possibility of transferring money quickly and easily. At the same time, unfortunately, there are small drawbacks. Many Poste Italiane customers are well aware of this and find themselves having to deal with the application of one fee, the amount of which is directly deducted from the account. But for what reason? Let’s go into the details and see what’s going on.

Postepay, a new tax appears: what it consists of and amount

Among the most popular and used payment tools, the Postepay card has recently ended up in the center of attention due to some inefficiencies and malfunctions on the payment systems, so much so that many people wonder how to avoid problems in the future.

But not only that, this payment instrument ended up at the center of the controversy due to a nasty surprise, right in the vicinity of the Christmas holidays, with which the owners of this paper. But what happened?

Well, starting with the last one 13 December many holders of a Postepay card find themselves having to deal with a decrease in the money in the account, due to a tax, the amount of which is directly deducted from the account. An unwelcome surprise involving the owners of the PostePay Evolution.

The latter, in fact, starting last Monday find themselves having to deal with a annual fee which is no longer equal to 10 euros but 12 euros. A novelty that involves not only the new holders of a PostePay Evolution, but all card holders with activation prior to 1 January 2019.

Postepay Evolution, annual fee and more: everything you need to know

As already mentioned, starting last December 13, many Poste Italiane customers find themselves having to deal with a nasty surprise. The latter concerns in particular the holders of Postepay Evolution card who find themselves having to deal with a higher cost than the annual fee.

In addition to the annual fee, we remind you that to activate the Postepay Evolution you have to incur an initial cost of 5 euros for issuing the card and 15 euros for the first top-up. The costs for withdrawing at an ATM are unchanged. The latter are equal to zero euros if the withdrawal is made at a post office.

Instead, you have to pay two euros in case of withdrawal at any other bank counter. In general, however, it is possible to state that between the rent and various price increases, there is a increase of about 20% more.

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But why did Poste Italiane decide to increase the fee? Well, this decision, apparently, would have been taken following the increase in costs in general. But not only that, especially because of the greater number of electronic transactions for payments recorded during the year.

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