Poste Italiane has been implementing a policy aimed at the full and complete digitization of the services offered for some time now.
Of course, it will not leave out the services traditional nor, much less, users will have difficulty in finding a door ATM corporate as is happening to those who have entrusted their savings to Banks. Despite that Later Italian and in particular PostePay is investing heavily in digitization. This is demonstrated by the various products placed on the market.
And these have been placed on marketespecially in the last period. But there is one that has been making a lot of noise lately. And you must know that it was also awarded. PostePay he thought and proposed it to simplify the procedure online. That is, to make them lighter acquisitions. And, then, there’s another thing to say that really is fantastic.
Activating this new, important and fantastic possibility offered to users by PostePay is something really simple it’s very fast. They only need it Spid and a full 5 minutes of patience. We believe that it is something really bearable, don’t you think? Because at the end of operations of activation you will have in your hands the world.
PostePay Digital: the cheapest prepaid card out there.
Sounds like a slogan, but it’s not. It is the pure and sacred truth. No0n for nothing was awarded as product of the year 2023. As we said, activating it is very simple. All you have to do is connect to the site or to the App “postepay“. Here it will be necessary to authenticate through the digital identity system and switch to financial services.
Obviously they will have to choose PostePay Digital and activate it. In a few clicks and in a few minutes it is active. And you can already start using it like the others prepaid. It will be inside your smartphone, always with you, ready to perform payments both online and contactless. You can withdraw money through the ATMs Postamat.
And also, as happens with the PostePay you already know, you can transfer from the somme to other users who also have this type of carta. If, then, you also want to associate a code with the card Iban, you can do it by paying for the service. So you can receive and send transferscredit it salary and domicile all the utilities.
2023-05-07 17:50:08
#PostePay #digital #prepaid #card #convenient #Magazine #Tech