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Poste Italiane, a new interest-bearing voucher arrives: earnings

A new Poste Italiane product can be very convenient for long-term savers. The latest version of the interest-bearing voucher

Italian Post Office (pixabay)

I postal savings bonds have historically been one of the forms of investment in Italy privileged. In the past, the paper model, now the electronic one, continue to be very popular among those who decide to invest their savings without calling back. Especially since the ECB has brought negative interest rates to keep large liquid assets on the checking account has become disadvantageous.

So thousands of Italians buy postal savings bonds in the versions that are closest to theirs needs. If you take a coupon for a minor, to make it bear fruit over time, the longer-lived forms and higher interest rates will be preferred. The main advantage of the interest-bearing coupon is the state guaranteewhereby money is considered “safe”.

Lately, as reported by various financial information sites, postal savings bonds non they are more too convenient, given that government bonds, with their yields, are more competitive on the market. This is why the Italian Post has launched a new productO.

Postal savings bonds, what the “5 × 5” provides


So to stay on the crest of the wave with its products Italian post launched the “Good 5 × 5”. This type of postal interest-bearing voucher has a total duration of 25 years. The advantages are: good profit margin, and the ability to redeem the money invested at any time.

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I earningswhich level up every 5 years, are:

  • at the end of the fifth year: 0.10% gross annual effective return;
  • at the end of the tenth year: 0.20% gross annual effective yield;
  • with the end of the fifteenth year: 0.40% gross annual effective yield;
  • at the end of the twentieth year: 0.75% gross annual effective return;
  • at maturity of the product (25th year): 1.50% of effective gross annual yield.

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In any case, you can at any time retire the money invested, but the gain sticks to the table five years shown above. So, for example, if you are in the ninth year, it is better to wait a couple of more years and eventually see a bigger nest egg.

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